Kodiak at the back window.
omg...my kitties are the biggest babies.they freak out if someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell.
kodi is afraid of my cell phone when robert calls.
it plays journey's lovin touchin squeezin pretty loud.
i tried to lower the volume but it is still loud.
kodi does not like!
and just now, there was a big crash in the living room and the cats tore off to far corners of the house.
one of them pulled the blinds off the window and it crashed onto the hardwood floor.
it was really loud!
kodi was cowering in my bedroom and aly ran to their room and was cowering on the tower.
it was so funny.
their tails were all poofed out.
big babies.
i calmed them down, and they are out here with me, but neither of them have gone into the living room.

i finally remembered to go out back and pick some lilacs.
they smell so good.
most of the blooms on the bushes were turning brown, but i found some blooms farther up that were still pretty.
now the house smells like lilacs!
love them!