That should be the title of my blog now....middle aged ramblings. Might have to consider that. Lets started off craptacularly. Cammy decided to pee on hubby's pillow and I found it just as I was going to head out the door. Had to throw that in the laundry. Then I went to leave and decided that the weather look I wanted to put the top up on the car. Now mind you...hubby asked me earlier in the week if I wanted him to put the top up and I said should be fine. Nope. It wasn't. And the top is broke, so it takes someone uber strong to get the damn thing latched. And I'm as weak as a 90 year old's bladder. It took me 15 minutes of struggling and breaking out in frustration sweat to get it latched. And my arm still hurts. I'm sure I scared the neighbors when I peeled out of the driveway and screamed up the road. I was not headed to my office for work. I had to work at our other location today, and it's farther away. I did not plan my morning very well.
John Hughes died today. Very sad. We love all of his moves. Ferris, Breakfast Club. I just watched Sixteen Candles the other day. (no more yanky my wanky) Funny stuff. Sad.
What else....Brooke White from American Idol is going to be at hubby's office next week. He gets to have lunch with her and I'm sure a few other people. Then she will perform songs from her new CD and sigh autographs. Would you believe that Keith Urban did the same thing years ago? I think Katie still has something that he autographed at that one. Hubby gets to take pictures at this one. Hopefully I will get to share some. He is going to get me an autographed CD. Can't wait to hear it.
Guess that's all......
Just some ramblings....
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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