Bryan wants me to let everyone know that HE RAN IN A MARATHON YESTERDAY!
But that is all I can tell you about it.
He did not bother to call his mother and let her know how it went.
I had to stalk him on Facebook to even find out that he had even survived it!
Sounds like he had a good time.
Sounds like he will do another one.
Sounds like he drank a ton of beer afterwards in celebration.
I could never understand that.
Why does someone do something very athletic, burn a ton of calories, and then celebrate that accomplishment by putting it all back on drinking booze.
Something for you to ponder....
Sorry Bubba....I was not directing that last line at you.
It happens all the time.
People play a softball game and then go out and drink afterwards.
Or people who smoke DURING a game. might be able to run the bases without getting out of breath if you had not just smoked a cigarette!
Something for them to ponder...
**Bryan....I'm very proud of you for running in a Marathon! I think that's incredible!**
Changing channels on you.
I mentioned this on Facebook Friday, but did not here.
I stop at a drive-up coffee stand on my way to work. I used to just stop twice a week, sometimes three times, but since I have been working full time, I have been stopping almost every day. Not good for me, but oh well. I turned into the lot to get in line, and I was watching the cars that were already in line that I was going to be crossing in front of to make sure they did not pull out, and then I turned into the lane I was going to wait in. That is when I saw another car coming from the other direction doing the same thing. I felt bad that I kinda cut her off. I say "kinda" because I really don't know if I did, or if she was just coming in behind me. But I felt bad because she would have been in the lot before me to get to where she was, and I had just turned into it. So I felt bad. When it was my turn to order, I asked Renee the barista if she knew what the car behind me usually orders. She looked and said that yes she did know. I told Renee that I wanted to pay for their drink. She smiled and asked if I knew her. I told her that I did not know her. Renee said "That is so sweet!" I handed Renee my card, and then forgot to have her add the $1 tip. She said to me "It's alright. You've done enough." Well this morning I stopped at the coffee stand to get my mocha and Renee was all excited to see me. She said "You started quite the morning for us Friday!" I said "Really?" Renee then told me that after I bought that woman her drink, she was so happy that she bought the drink for the person behind her, they bought for the person behind them...and so on and so on! She said it went on for something like 5 cars or more before it ended! That is so cool that people kept it going! I like to think that the only reason it ended was because there was no car for the last person to buy for :-)
I am going to keep thinking about that all day.
It makes me feel good.
And that will help me to have a really good day :-)
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Hey, did you know your son ran a marathon!! lol!!
Good for him! The most I have ever run is a 5k. I used to love running! I ran at least 4 miles a day until I was sidetracked with my knee injury at work.
I loved your coffee story! That would be SO like you! I still think about how wonderful you were to My Niece Jaimie and I when we were there.
Mary....Did you know that my son ran in a marathon???
I enjoyed that day with you and Jaimie so much! It was a lot of fun showing you around my area. There really is a lot beauty here. Next time I want to take you to the beach! So plan your trip out here already!
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