Don't bother going to see Sex and The City 2.
Didn't care for it.
It had a few moments, but very few.
And honestly, I found it to be offensive.
The girls went to Abu Dhabi.
And now that I have seen that place, it's not somewhere I have a desire to go.
But, to get back to the movie, I thought they made the girls look like sloppy Americans.
I don't like it when Americans go to a foreign country and feel like they have the right to do and say whatever they want.
Because they are Americans and have the freedom to do such.
Well not in other countries you don't.
I believe that when you go to another country, you respect their customs, their way of life.
And to think that just because you would act that way at home, you don't go somewhere else, where they find that behavior to be offensive, and act like that.
It's not OK.
We may live in a country where we treat women as equals and with respect, but that doesn't mean that you can go to another country and basically spit in the face of their customs.
If you don't like their customs, then don't go there.
There is a big world out there, with plenty of beautiful places to travel too.
If you can't go to a country and show respect to their way of life, whether you agree with it or not, then you should not go there.
I know this was just a movie, but I think it speaks volumes as to how some, if not most, Americans act when they travel abroad.
Show some respect people.
end of rant.....
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3 months ago
That is so true! When I was in France my Niece and I saw many "ugly Americans". I loved how the French spoke quietly at restaurants. You could be at the next table and not hear what they were saying. I could tell an American by the loud way they spoke. Here in the U.S, the restaurants are so noisy you can barley hear yourself talk! We tried to blend as best we could. I still love the U.S.A better :)
I'm really disappointed in how they acted in the movie. Specifically the Samantha character. It was so disrespectful just for a laugh. I wasn't laughing. Mom was snoring so she was not laughing. And the only other person in the theater, a woman, was not laughing either.
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