Well...we have had our first camping accident ever with the BBG Group. Oh we have had our share of too much drink, too much rocking boats in the ocean, too much fun that we paid for the next day or even that night....but we have never had an injury before.
Now we have....
Last night we were taking a wildlife viewing drive. (only saw one deer) We stopped at a spot high above the lake to look out over it. Very pretty view. Most of us were looking around and I was getting a laugh at poor Cindy because Maddy, Super Maddy the toy poodle, decided that it would be a good time to poop. Or as Marlin says...leave a growler. Marlin's son Justin (14) walked over to the edge of the lookout and said there was a trail and he was going to go down it. Marlin looked and said that was not a trail and it was too steep so do not go down it. Being a 14 year old daredevil, Justin started down and said it's OK dad. I watched a few seconds as Justin started down, then looked the other way. Then I hear Marlin say Justin just fell. I was like "What? He fell?" Marlin said that Justin just went ass over head about 8 times down the cliff. It took a while for everyone to figure out what was going on. Then we see Justin climb back up the cliff covered head to toe in dirt....and blood. Scott was a Boy Scout Troop leader for many many years for his and Jody's own son named Justin. And Scott also has a lot of first aide training. So he got a hold of Justin and calmly assessed his injuries. One knee and arm had some pretty bad cuts that were bleeding good. I thought the cut on his arm looked the worst, it was a long 3-4 inch gash. The knee was boogered up pretty bad. Completed covered with embedded rock and cuts and scrapes all over. I knew that Robert and wipes in his camera bag, so I had him toss me those and we cleaned what we could there. Scott and Jody had a large towel in there truck, so they sat him down on it so that he would not bleed all over the seats and we got him back to the campsite.
After 2 showers of trying to get all the dirt out of the wounds, Scott took peroxide and q-tips and cleaned inside the cuts. Poor Justin I think had had enough, but he was being a trooper. Scott used some neosporin and bandaged what he could, then took out a Flinstone bandage and stuck that on one of the smaller cuts on his not so bad knee. That put a smile on Justin's face. I suggested that they get some ice and put that 20 minutes on 20 minutes off for the swelling. But I think because it was so late, almost 11pm, that they forgot. This morning his knee was very swollen, so they decided to run him into town and have a doctor look at it at the clinic or hospital. When I hear something I will update.
Everything is OK. The doctor looked at the cuts and said that they had been cleaned out really well. He was up to date on his shots, so no shot. He just has to stay out of the water and keep it covered if he is in the sun. Yay!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Yikes, glad to hear everything turned out ok.
I am off to do house work and get ready for my sister to come in to visit.
Have a great week end!
Yes, I'm glad everything turned out ok. Anthony is 14 years old and he would of done the same thing, BOYS I'll tell ya. Its been a while since I posted. My moms getting better slowly but surely. I never knew recovering from back surgery takes A LONG TIME. The Surgeon told us the procedure he did on her will take up to a year for total recovery, but she will never be pain free. But she will be about 70% better and she does not have that hard leg pain. But shes still in pain. Shes in Pool Therapy for a while. Happy Friday Everyone!!!!
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