I slept in this morning. I woke up at 7am, but didn't want to get up. I think I should have just gotten up because I fell back asleep and had a dream......
I was on a bus tour in Europe. Robert had to go and do something and was going to catch up to the bus. We got to a border, but I didn't know where we were. We were going to keep driving into the country but then a border vehicle cut us off and the bus had to stop. The border guards got on the bus and we had to show our drivers licenses and passports. We were allowed to continue. I was trying to figure out where we were. It was very dry and kind of dirty. I saw a large yellow/orange brick building with some strange writing. I thought maybe we were in Turkey. In front of the building were these huge statues, maybe two stories tall, huge. They were of a dancing couple in very colorful outfits. The bus stopped and we were told we were in Hungary. We went into a shop and this woman gave us what looked like a peppermint candy that was attached to a piece of paper. I didn't want it, because I usually don't eat peppermint candy, but we had been on the bus and I thought maybe I could use it to freshen my mouth. I was about to eat it when she said "I want everyone to try this. It's tofu." Now I didn't want to try it, but I didn't want to be rude. So I put it in my mouth. It tasted like peppermint. But then it had a weird under taste and the peppermint flavor went way and it was yucky, so I threw it away in a garbage can. We were going to start walking into the building that the shop was attached to when someone said "There's Robert." I turned around and saw him walking around outside trying to find us. He was carrying a bunch of blankets and a pillow. It was like those were his things from the bus and he wanted to get back on to put them away. In my head I was thinking that I needed to find Alfred (our actual Europe Tour Director) and get Willie (out actual Europe bus driver) to open the bus so that Robert could put his stuff away. I went out to get Robert to let him know where we were. We met up in the courtyard of the brick building. We were talking and then a door opened on the other side of the courtyard and these weird animals ran out. They ran very fast towards us. They sometimes looked like dogs, or coyotes or small goats. Like a goats body with a dog head and it wanted to ram you. We were trying to keep them away. Then there were men in suits around us. They were telling us that everyone else was dead. I then figured out that this place was going to be like a carnival with a Mad Torture House. They had taken everyone on the bus and put them in horrible situations and recorded their screams and death so that they could recreate the scenes in the Mad Torture House and it would sound real, because it was real. One woman was strapped to something and floods of water came and drown her. A guy was in this spiky wheel thing that had 2 sides and the sides started spinning the opposite directions and coming together with him in the middle. They kept spinning and spinning with him screaming until he was just gone. And there was a big guy. Big and heavy like that guy from the show ER who worked the desk. But he had a lot of hair and a beard. He was on this wood ramp kind of thing and there were 3 shot guns. Something knocked him down and a piece of wood, with a square cut out of it, at the end of the ramp came down over his foot and trapped him. Then the grizzly bears were let out. They came charging towards him and he grabbed the first shotgun and shot one. The other 2 kept coming, snarling and swiping their claws at him. He grabbed the second gun and shot another bear. He grabbed for the third gun, but before he could fire it the last bear ripped the guys arm off and then attacked him. I was back then with Robert and the men in suits. I then figured out that the candy was drugged and that it was a good thing that I had spit mine out and not eaten all of it. Robert and I then got in a car and drove off.
I know.....weird ass dream....but I had to get it out.....
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Boy, that was a doozy! Barb, it totally reminded me of a Steven King short story called "Crouch End". Give it a read!
Yup, that's a weird one. I always have the strangest ones just before I wake up!
Hey Whab and Sooz...
I have the strangest dreams. Mostly they come from me reading something or watching a movie. If I watch a vampire movie then I dream about vampires....ugh.....Sometimes all I have to do is see an ad for a movie and then I have a weird dream.
Wish it worked whenever I see a sex scene!
Figures you would like it Bryan. Feel free to use it as a basis for a script for you next film!
That dream would have completely worn me out and I would have needed another 8 hours of sleep!
Whew! I thought it was neat that in your dream you put the nasty tasting food in a garbage can instead of just spitting it out of your mouth. How lady like you are even while sleeping! :0)
LOL Dreama! That's funny!
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