Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cuppy Cake Crave

Do you every crave something and just can't get it out of your head? I have been wanting cupcakes. And not just a regular old cupcake that I would make. Nope. I want something like this.....

Or maybe like this......

These are from a shop in Portland that specializes in cupcakes. Unfortunately I would never drive over to Portland for cupcakes. Even when they look like this....

mmmmmm.....chocolate w/peanut butter frosting...
and this..... But in all honesty....this is the one that I really want!!!!

LOL! I love this one. I found it online and have no idea who made it. Doesn't look to hard to make. Just need to figure out how to make those eyes! There were some really pretty "Martha Stewart" ones that were also available in Portland, but the pictures would not load. I will never buy those ones. They sell for $36 a dozen with a minimum order of 8 dozen. Yeh....I don't need $288 worth of cupcakes!
Unless someone wants to go in on it with me.....


Adriana said...

I've been craving cupcakes for a loooooong time too!!! I bought one at the grocery store and was terribly disappointed - it was that whipped cream, "elite" icing. Whipped cream is NOT icing!!! Icing is sugary and sweet, people!



Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

LOL! I agree!!! Do you have a Costco? They have AWESOME cupcakes!