At least for me....
Not sure about Bryan.
We watched all but one of the movies. I didn't want to make him watch one that he had already seen.
Although that argument doesn't work with Precious.
He had seen that one too.
But the other one was a documentary on an over aged metal band trying to make a go of it still.
I was not feeling I wanted to skip it.
He said I should have watched it to "complete" the Fest.
Sorry Bubba...
Here is the list of movies in order that we watched.
The Messenger
The Vicious Kind
Easier with Practice
(skipped Anvil:The Story of Anvil)
I knew about Precious and The Messenger, but had not heard of the others. I was pleasantly surprised by The Vicious Kind. We both really liked it.
That is the thing about Indie Films. You don't usually hear anything about them, so when you watch them, you sometimes get a nice surprise and really enjoy a movie.
Or as in the case of Easier with get to embarrass yourself in front of your son because you are watching a movie about a guy having graphicish phone sex throughout the whole thing....yeh....not sure how uncomfortable Bryan was, but yeh...the momma was. I think the writer of that movie was trying to get you to believe one thing so that you would get this big "Crying Game" type shock at the end, but I had already figured it out. Amreeka was good too. I didn't like the ending at all though. They just kind of...ended it. I was like...WTS? Is that how they ended it? It could have gone on more. Guess they didn't know what to do. It was a good story though. It was about a mother and her son from the East Bank and how they were having to live in a war zone and then leaving and coming to America only to be treated like they were terrorists because of the war in Iraq. People were calling them Muslims (like that is a bad word or something) and yet they were from a completely different country and were Arabs. Good movie, the ending just sucked.
Besides Precious and The Messenger, which we knew would be good movies, we both really like The Vicious Kind. Well acted, good script, just a good Indie film. The main character was dealing with his breakup with his girlfriend, only to have his brother start dating a girl who was very similar in appearance, and he was having trouble dealing with that, and then dealing with his obsession of wanting her. It was a good story about a troubled family who had not dealt with the reason of the family breaking up and then the death of a parent. Good movie.
I don't recommend watching Easier with Practice (unless you like watching guys have phone sex), but I do recommend the others :-)
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
I was cool with watching Easier With Practice with you.
But then again i'm an odd dude.
yes are odd...but that is why i love you :-)
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