Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"I HATE (or very much dislike) NBC!"

**shakes fist in the air**

I'm getting to frustrated with NBC. Why the hell are you showing the Olympic Events on tape delay to the West Coast when the damn games are in the same time zone???? I just don't get it. I understand wanting to show the events that are going on during regular work day hours later in the evening. But do you have to wait until 8:00PM? Do you have to show the BEST events at freaking midnight???? It is beyond ridiculous. I should not have to stay up until 12:30AM to see the finals in skating. My poor mother is missing so much because she just can't stay awake that late. Start the show at 6:00PM. Why 8??? Arrrggh.....
Other than that little complaint...
I'm loving this years Olympics. From Ono to Vonn to Canada's Ice Dancing couple....was that beautiful or what? Although I did prefer the USA couples dance to the Phantom of the Opera (just liked the music better), I did think the Canadians skated beautifully. I loved watching the Ski Cross....OMG crazy skiers! And the half pipe and the aerials so much fun!
Unfortunately I am going to miss so much of the rest of it. Like the Womens Hockey final between USA and Canada. Might have to go to a bar or something Thursday and try to see that when we are at the beach. We'll see. Mostly....I am sooooo looking forward to Sundays Gold Metal Mens Hockey! Should be a great game regardless of who plays in it **USAUSAUSAUSA**


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