im just so bored lately.
i think thats why i have not been here daily.
its not that i dont have things to do, i do, i just dont care about doing them right now.
and that my friends is me having a shitty attitude.
i need time off.
its been great being back to working mon-tue-wed.
but i think i need a vacation.
like for a month.
but that will never happen.
i shouldn't put it like that.
i'll end up breaking my leg or something.
so hubby went and had acupuncture for his back.
he was very impressed by the whole thing.
he spent more time with the acupuncturist talking over every aspect of his life before the guy even put one needle in.
he had needles in his ears, hands, feet and ankles....for back pain!
crazy huh?
but it worked.
that night the pain in the middle of his back was gone.
all he had left was some tightness in his neck and shoulder, and a little pain still in his elbow.
and a headache....but he was told that he could get one as a side effect.
it has been since friday, and he still only has the tightness and his elbow is bugging him, but other than that he feels so much better.
he goes again in a week.
its really amazing how well it worked for him.
after 6 months of pain he was ready to try anything.
he had several massages, a few chiropractor appts, many doctor visits for muscle relaxers and pain pills, and finally ended up with a home electric pulse/shock machine.
and none of it was curing it.
it helped to ease symptoms....but they were not going away.
it finally took, as he puts it, a 4,000 year old treatment!
obviously it works or it would not have been around this long~
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