We seem to be having some weirdness going on here at the office again.
Here is the latest.
When I leave at night, I always check the side doors to make sure they are locked.
One of these doors is to the office of our agent Linda who we lost a couple weeks ago to breast cancer. We all miss her so much. So when I go to her office to check the door it makes me sad, but I look around at her empty desk, check the door, and leave with a sadness in my heart. Cue the sad music.....I kinda laid it on a little thick there, but it's true. We are very sad.
Anyway....the door was locked, I checked the other doors, and left. There were a couple people still upstairs when I left, but no one downstairs. This morning when I came in, I went to turn on the copy machine next to Linda's office, and one of her straight back chairs was positioned in the middle of her office a few feet in front of the door that I had checked the night before. Obviously it was not there last night or I would not have been able to check the door! I was telling the broker a few minutes ago about this and she got all excited and told me that just before lunch one of the agents came to her office and told her that the house was haunted. They kinda laughed at her and said "Well yes. It has been for a long time." Apparantly no one told her when she started here a couple years ago that the office was haunted. She told the broker that she was here late last night and she saw someone standing in her office. Then she heard dishes being moved around downstairs, so she came down and heard it in ..... Linda's office. She went to that office to see if anyone was in there, and there was no one. She went back upstairs and again heard the sound of dishes downstairs in Linda's office. I just found out that that office used to be a kitchen when the house was originally built over 100 years ago. So that happened and then I come in this morning and the chair has been moved. We got a good laugh at the fact that nothing would have made Linda happier than to play a trick on us with Mary, our resident ghost. Sounds like we may have 2 ghosts now!
Welcome Back Linda!
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3 months ago
Maybe it's time for professional surveillance equipment to be set up in the building?
Que the Twilite zone music..do do do do...
I am not sure I would have been wondering around there at night! I believe in letting restless ghost alone lol!
The Discovery Chanel has filmed here before, but not an over night thing. I think they should do that a few times. They had an exorcism performed several years ago, but I believe that if a ghost does not want to leave, then they don't. Another agent, Deana, she will actually stay here at work until 1 or 2 am! That I could NOT do!
Surveillance cameras should be set up and run continuously in the rooms where physical items get disturbed over night. Seriously. There is nothing subtle about a chair changing position. If all such manifestations stopped when the cameras were installed, that would be... interesting. If they didn't, and physical evidence was obtained for objects moving around in the absence of anybody to move them, that would be rather, um, awesome.
I would love to do that Bear. It doesn't happen all the time though. At least not that I notice. I am constantly pushing chairs back up to desks, closing closet doors, closing drawers in the kitchens, but with so many people here all day, you can't think that it is anything but people being lazy. So yes, I would love to set up night cameras here!
Barbara, that is interesting. I am so sorry you all are so sad. It seems like your coworker is trying to let you know she's around!
First off let me say that I am so very sorry that your co worker past away.
My Dad doesn't believe that spirits exist on earth but my sister and I have felt them since we were little children.
One Christmas several years ago I had a spirit in my home pulling all kinds of stunts. A wallet size photo pinned to my ficus tree flew off the tree and got tangled in my hair and I was across the room. A candy dish would fly off my coffee table over and over. I finally told the spirit to go away and it left and has not come back. My friend David has also seen and heard spirits in his house. I tend to believe they follow him because he saw them when he was a teenager also. Last year we were watching TV and he pointed at his back wall and he gasped and just uttered look. What we both saw was the sillouette of a woman floating across the room. It was like looking at a million tiny dots in the form of a person's head and upper torso. Then she just disappeared. Spirits don't really frighten me. Rapists and murders scare the shit out of me but ghosts..nah! For the most part they are harmless.
Hi Mary, Bebbi & Robert.
Hi Bebbi and Dreama!
I'm not scared here. Sometimes when I'm alone and its dark in the Winter, I get a freaked out, but other than that it doesn't bother me.
Dreama...I would love to experience something like that! I have seen things here, but never anything that I feel is concrete. Or I'm just trying to explain them away. I want to SEE her standing in front of me. I want to SEE the chair move. When you don't see it happen, you still have that doubt that a ghost did it.
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