went to the dentist yesterday.
i made the mistake of telling them 6 months ago at a cleaning that i was having a little pain every once in a while on one side when i bit down.
my dentist did those bite tests where you have to bite down on that hard plastic medieval torture devise to see if you have a cracked tooth.
i passed with not only flying colors but with a few swear words flying about too.
ok...it wasn't that bad, i have a high tolerance for pain.
he said that i had a cracked tooth that needed to be crowned.
that was 6 months ago.
they called around december to say that the crown was pre-approved and to call and make an appointment.
i didn't.
i was more willing to take the occasional stab of pain then to go and have a crown put on.
been there...done that....twice.
so i let it go.
then i worked full time for several months.
and before i knew it, it was time for my 6 month cleaning.
ugh...i knew they were going to bring up the crown.
and they did.
"Let's make that appointment for your crown. You don't want it to get to where the tooth breaks."
so i made the appointment.
and it was yesterday.
well the first half was yesterday.
all 3 hours of it.
my jaw is still sore.
he had to remove the old filling and put in a new one, shape the tooth and the surrounding ones to accommodate the new crown.
then put on the temporary one.
i have to go back the 20th for the brand new sparkly gold crown!
oh joy!
i wanted a porcelain one like the smaller one that i have, but he said that he did not recommend them for the back tooth.
too many chances of it chipping back there since you do most of your biting and chewing with those teeth.
so now i will have a bright shiny gold one.
like flava flav!
i'm so excited!
last night i decided that i should make something "soft" for dinner.
so i bought stuff to make beef fajitas.
made my fajita, sat down and took a big bite...
holey mother of god.....
i forgot about being careful because i had basically had a root canal earlier....
hurt like a mofo...
oh man that was painful.
not so much biting down on the temp crown....no, it was my jaw.
hurt from being basically held wide open for 3 hours, having been pushed on and pulled on...and the shots....oiy...
i do have to give props to my dentist though in regards to his technique for giving shots.
you do not feel them. seriously.
he knows how to give a pain free shot.
the only time i feel anything is when he has to go deeper with the needle, but by that time you are already getting a little numb, so its just a slight cramping feeling.
not bad at all.
he really is the best dentist.
i just really really did not want another crown.....
well...at least not the mouth kind :-)
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Oh Barbara, I was hurting while I was reading! At least it is done and you are in with the rappers lol!
tru dat sistah!
i still have one more appt to get my bling. that one shouldn't be too bad. i hope.....
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