Tuesday, July 27, 2010
dreaming of weddings......
it has started.
i dreamed about katie's wedding last night.
i actually think this is the second time i have dreamed about the wedding.
last night the dream was about her dress.
and the reception.
i'm pretty sure i dreamed about the dress because at lunch yesterday, katie brought her printouts of the dresses she wants to look at.
a lot of dresses!
i told her it was like when robert and i were looking at trailers.
after a while they all start to look the same, and you can't remember which one you liked.
so in my dream we were at the wedding and katie went to put her dress on.
she came out in this gold dress with burgundy colored beads on it.
on one shoulder were fabric flowers that came down the shoulder and then across to the front of the dress.
but the best part was there was burgundy colored material draped from the other shoulder and it wrapped around the full length of the dress all the way to the bottom.
and the very bottom of the dress ballooned out.
at one point she opened the burgundy material and had it draped over her shoulder like a cape.
it was uggglyyy.
i have been trying really hard not to influence katie on her dress choice.
it's her wedding, her dress.
oh i will give her my opinion you can be sure of that....
but the final choice is hers.
i just hope it doesn't look like that one!
back to the dream....
one of the agents here at work was in the dream, and she looked at me and said "what was she thinking?" to which i answered "i have no idea".
then i started panicking about the number of people there for the reception.
i was only counting 30 people.
we are paying for a minimum 125.
and i didn't recognize most of the people.
i was looking around for my friend jenny, and she was not there.
i was thinking i should start calling people and asking if they were still coming, but felt like i shouldn't do that.
it seemed like if i did that it would be like begging.
i don't remember any more.
i wonder how many more of these dreams i can look forward to in the next year?
Monday, July 26, 2010
it was a jeremiah johnson weekend.....

We took the trail all the way towards town, and then followed the road in. There was a cute country store there and the Community Hall was having a Saturday Market. I never did make it over. Cheryl and Jill did though. They said there were some quilts, but other than that, it was kinda small.

Some of us made dream catchers, and others made feathers and beads to hang from....well whatever they decided to hang them from! Robert, Kevin, and Charlie all had them hanging from their glasses. Then Robert moved his to his hat. Jill hung hers from her hair. Jody made one to hang from Scott's walking stick, and Scott made a little one for Travel Bear. Bet you want to know who Travel Bear is! Scott and Jody have a Build-A-Bear that they made. He wears hiking boots, a fishing hat, and has a backpack. They have filled the hat with pins from all the places they have gone with the trailer. Now he has a feather w/beads from Mt Adams :-)

And then since we were FAMISHED because of the LACK of FOOD (inside joke. we do nothing but eat on these trips) Charlie & Cheryl made Buffalo Roast w/potatoes and carrots, corn-on-the-cob, rolls and salad.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
and so it has begun......
wedding dresses.
katie and i have sipped from the kool-aid filled champagne flutes.
she tried on some dresses last week.
and i loved every minute of it.
looking through the garment bags filled with satin, lace, taffeta and organza.
the many oooooooo's, ahhhhhhhh's, hrmmmmm's and ack-what-were-they-thinking's.
it was all spur of the moment.
katie showed up at the house right after i had gotten home from seeing an early movie.
i had found out that the local wedding venue also had a dress shop, and they carried her favorite designer.
i asked her if she wanted to swing by and scout out the prices.
of course she had just come from work and was not "dressed" properly, in her opinion.
so we stopped by kohls and spent a little money.
and then she went out to the truck in the parking lot and prompted changed her top right there.
whipped that shirt right off.
we headed on over to the dress shop with the idea that we were just going to take a look at the maggie sottero dresses and see what the prices were like.
when we arrived we were asked if there was anything we could be helped with and i said we were there to look at the maggie sottero dresses.
a very nice lady asked us if we knew which style and i remembered the name of one, the megan. she pointed us in the direction of the sizes for katie to look at, and she said she would see if they had that dress.
next thing we know she is unzipping a bag and pulling the dress out asking us if she could start a room.
katie looked at me all wide-eyed....TRY ON??? I GET TO TRY ON????
**yes katie you did look like that**
we were all excited and looked around for a few others to try on.
we found 2 that were on katie's list of dresses that she had seen on the website and wanted to try on.
and then we picked out a couple other ones.
she tried on the megan first, then the ellen and the karina royale.
the first time she came out...it just kinda takes your breath away.
i thought she looked amazing in all of them.
i think she tried on a total of five dresses.
but the one that day that really stood out was the karina royale.
all lace, champagne colored, gorgeous.
we both spent the weekend looking online at dresses.
i sent her an email with dresses for her to look at.
she told me that she had printed up 30 dresses that she liked!
she said she needed to weed through those.
i said to wait until she saw them in person.
you just never know!
soon, soon we will go again.
and i can't wait :-)
Monday, July 19, 2010
another week has come....and gone....
my friend at work asked me this morning why i have not been blogging.
just not feeling it i guess.
i have things to say, but honestly, i keep forgetting to come here.
how sad is that?
i think because i got out of the habit of coming every day, that i forget now.
so i will make myself notes.
because that is what we do when we are old and forgetful.
we make notes.
and leave them all over the place.
i have notes on 4 different calendars.
notes on top of the calendars.
on specific days in the calendars.
i have notes on my desk.
on papers on my desk.
just looking around on my desk right now....
i have 7 notes.
i even have a note on top of a note because apparently i needed a note to remind me that i wrote a note.
i leave myself notes on the counter at home.
i will write myself a note at work, and take it home and put it on the counter.
i have a sticky note app on my computer at home.
so on my computer desk top, there are a dozen or so sticky notes that pop up when i log onto the computer.
the family teases me about those.
i'm old.
i need to remind myself to remind myself or i forget.
because i'm old.
so i will leave myself a note that i need to blog.
now i have 8 notes on my desk......
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
"My cat slapped me around a little bit."
Where did June go?
I was so busy getting ready for our camping trip that I let the entire month get away from me.
That and I'm kinda tired of writing to myself.
I know I have friends who come here.
They have pointed out to me that I did not blog last month.
They never comment, so I don't know that they have been here.
But now they are letting me know that they are coming to see what I have been up too, and I have not blogged.
So here I am~
With nothing to say.
I could tell you about my cat giving me a black eye.
Last Friday I made a monumental error in judgement.
I decided it would be a good idea to take my kitty outside.
Outside where all the scary noises are.
He had been freaked out all week over the fireworks.
(next year he gets drugs)
So in a moment of brilliance, I thought I would carry him outside for a few minutes and walk around the yard.
I had him in my arms and we walked to the back of the yard where the bird feeders are.
He likes to smell the feeders, because, you know, they smell like birdies.
I leaned in and for some unknown reason, I touched the battery operated squirrel flipper offer feeder and it made a jerk and a noise.
Stupid me.
Did I say that I was stupid for doing it?
That cat couldn't get out of my arms quick enough.
He twisted around, crawled over my head via my face, and ran as fast as he could with his tail all puffed up.
It hurt like hell.
At this point I was doubled over with my hand pressed to the left side of my face, trying to see where the cat had gone, which to my complete surprise and relief, was straight to the back door.
He was clawing and pushing at the door to get in, and thankfully Robert was standing in the kitchen talking to Katie on the phone.
I was just about in the house when Robert caught sight of me.
"I have to go. Your mother is gushing blood."
And then he hung up on Katie.
I have no idea what she was thinking at this point.
Even though I had not taken my hand away from my face, the blood was dripping down some.
Kodiak had put a nasty scratch on my right arm, a scratch above my eyebrow, and poked several holes into my cheek, nose and one nasty one next to my eye.
The forehead scratch was the one that bled the most.
But the deep claw poke next to my eye did the most damage.
It has been 5 days and it still hurts.
It's barely even noticeable now, but it gave me a black eye.
My eye and cheek swelled up pretty good Friday night, and when I got up Saturday morning I had a black eye.
I still have the red bruise under my eye, but the rest of the area under there is a lovely shade of greenish yellow.
Funny thing, the only people at work to even say anything were Carol yesterday and Karen today. No one else has asked me what happened.
If one of them had come to the office with a black eye, I would have been all over that!
"What the heck did you do?"
I would have to know.
I think it's worse to not ask.
Makes me feel like people think I was beat up or something so they don't want to bring it up.
So funny.