Went camping this weekend with some of the same people from the February beach campout.
This time though, we went to Eastern Washington and camped below Mt Adams.

Robert took this photo from behind the campsites at the back of the park. So if you have one of the back spaces, this is your view from your trailer. Is that gorgeous or what?! I can't even begin to describe how close you are to that mountain. It really feels like you are camping at the foot of it. It's huge!
We couldn't see the mountain from our space because of all of the trees, but all we had to do was walk a couple spaces down and there it was. There is a really good trail that you can take down to Trout Lake. Or what is left of Trout Lake. They are letting it stay natural, so the sediment from the mountain and the grasses are closing it in. There is still a stream and some lake, but I think it was quite a bit bigger many years ago.
We took the trail all the way towards town, and then followed the road in. There was a cute country store there and the Community Hall was having a Saturday Market. I never did make it over. Cheryl and Jill did though. They said there were some quilts, but other than that, it was kinda small.
Then we went back to the campsite and had Art & Crafts Day thanks to Charlie and Cheryl!
That kept us busy for a couple of hours :-)
Some of us made dream catchers, and others made feathers and beads to hang from....well whatever they decided to hang them from! Robert, Kevin, and Charlie all had them hanging from their glasses. Then Robert moved his to his hat. Jill hung hers from her hair. Jody made one to hang from Scott's walking stick, and Scott made a little one for Travel Bear. Bet you want to know who Travel Bear is! Scott and Jody have a Build-A-Bear that they made. He wears hiking boots, a fishing hat, and has a backpack. They have filled the hat with pins from all the places they have gone with the trailer. Now he has a feather w/beads from Mt Adams :-)

After Arts & Crafts were over, Scott & Jody made
Ponderosa Poppers.
Yummmmm! Scott first made these for us last year when we camped in Idaho at the
Ponderosa State Park. Jalapeno peppers filled with
Mediterranean feta cheese with shrimp wrapped in bacon then grilled on the
bbq. So freaking good! Poor Robert and Jody both ended up with one that had a seed still in there and fried their mouths. Glad it wasn't me :-)
And then since we were FAMISHED because of the LACK of FOOD (inside joke. we do nothing but eat on these trips) Charlie & Cheryl made Buffalo Roast w/potatoes and carrots, corn-on-the-cob, rolls and salad.

Here it is starting to cook.

I love buffalo! It's really quite tasty! Robert didn't get a picture of that nights dessert. Jill had made super yummy cherry cake. Friday night though, Scott & Jody made pineapple upside down cake over the grill in a dutch oven. So
gooood :-)

We ended Saturday night with Movie Night at the campfire. It was a special showing of.......
FINALLY made it here again. Robert's photos are amazing, as always. I think he needs to quit the day job, and shoot full-time. You could then quit yours too, and put your crafting skills to work, matting and framing....and hit the road selling them.
oh man...dont tell him that Bon! he would totally do that!
thanks for stopping by :-)
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