wedding dresses.
katie and i have sipped from the kool-aid filled champagne flutes.
she tried on some dresses last week.
and i loved every minute of it.
looking through the garment bags filled with satin, lace, taffeta and organza.
the many oooooooo's, ahhhhhhhh's, hrmmmmm's and ack-what-were-they-thinking's.
it was all spur of the moment.
katie showed up at the house right after i had gotten home from seeing an early movie.
i had found out that the local wedding venue also had a dress shop, and they carried her favorite designer.
i asked her if she wanted to swing by and scout out the prices.
of course she had just come from work and was not "dressed" properly, in her opinion.
so we stopped by kohls and spent a little money.
and then she went out to the truck in the parking lot and prompted changed her top right there.
whipped that shirt right off.
we headed on over to the dress shop with the idea that we were just going to take a look at the maggie sottero dresses and see what the prices were like.
when we arrived we were asked if there was anything we could be helped with and i said we were there to look at the maggie sottero dresses.
a very nice lady asked us if we knew which style and i remembered the name of one, the megan. she pointed us in the direction of the sizes for katie to look at, and she said she would see if they had that dress.
next thing we know she is unzipping a bag and pulling the dress out asking us if she could start a room.
katie looked at me all wide-eyed....TRY ON??? I GET TO TRY ON????
**yes katie you did look like that**
we were all excited and looked around for a few others to try on.
we found 2 that were on katie's list of dresses that she had seen on the website and wanted to try on.
and then we picked out a couple other ones.
she tried on the megan first, then the ellen and the karina royale.
the first time she came out...it just kinda takes your breath away.
i thought she looked amazing in all of them.
i think she tried on a total of five dresses.
but the one that day that really stood out was the karina royale.
all lace, champagne colored, gorgeous.
we both spent the weekend looking online at dresses.
i sent her an email with dresses for her to look at.
she told me that she had printed up 30 dresses that she liked!
she said she needed to weed through those.
i said to wait until she saw them in person.
you just never know!
soon, soon we will go again.
and i can't wait :-)
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Oh to have had a daughter or a DIL who included me in the wedding dress hunt! I so envy you! I am finding myself excited for the both of you! Have fun!!
I know what Mary means! I suddenly feel very excited for the both of you! You have so much in store with all the wedding planning, too. Fun! Enjoy!!
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