Holey Moley I have been busy. Just about all of it has been just for fun. The exception being the plasma donation on Wednesday. Not fun, not bad though either.
Friday night was the Rick Springfield show in Tacoma at the Emerald Queen Casino. We were in the 2nd row just left of center stage. Great seats. Met Sooz from the blogs, but only briefly. She was with friends and I was with the family heading to spend some time on the slots. It was good to meet her in person though regardless of the time we spent chatting. Hubby and I both enjoyed the show. Rick is a very energetic performer, and his fans obviously know the routine down pat. Sooz had told me that ladies will bring roses and he will smash them on his guitar. This happened several times. The last time he did this one of the roses flew off stage and hit me right in the face! I of course saved it. Rick also comes out in the crowd a couple times during the set too. At one point he came over, put his hand on Robert's shoulder and stood on his chair. I was so busy trying to get a photo that I didn't even reach out and touch him! But that's OK...the guy was soaking wet with sweat! Good show. We would see him again, just not sure that we would drive up to that venue again. I thought the sound was horrible. Robert didn't mind it. His mic seemed to cut out a lot, and during Jessie's Girl he broke his guitar strings and he got pissed and threw it because his roadie crew did not have a new one ready right away for him. It was kind of hilarious because he just ran around playing air guitar! But you could tell he was pissed. I'm sure someone got an earful after the show.
Yesterday was the Bowl-A-Thon for Junior Achievement. Well not THE BOT, but the Vancouver one. He already had the Salem one, and next Saturday there will be 2 Portland events. But yesterday was the one that we participated in. It was a blast! We had so much fun. Roodi and I were drinking at 10am. Not good, but made it a lot more fun! I'm paying for it today. Drinking and eating only one meal yesterday is making me feel queasy today. I need to eat something. I stayed in bed as long as I could, but now I just need something to eat. In fact I am going to go get a banana right now. Thought you might like to know that! All done. Banana consumed. Anyway.....BOT was so much fun. My grand total raised (thanks to one last donation from Beth!) was ............................
$660.25!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!! I rock!
Katie raised a lot more than I thought she had too. She had over $400 and Roodi had over $1800! I think our team total now is around $2980. If I had known we were so close to $3000 I would have kicked in some more money. Our team won the award for most money raised and Roodi won the award for most money raised by an individual. What is so fun about winning the team award is that we get to have our picture on the poster next year! It will be the team picture uploaded above. Good thing we are not in the BOT in Portland. The top team last year raised over $10,000. But a lot of those teams are from the main office and they have connections to serious money. I know that both Salem and Vancouver raised more than what was projected. Hopefully Portland will also be able to raise more than last year so that they can reach the final goal of $100,000 for all Fred Meyer events.
Robert was hilarious. I can not believe that he can do this. It amazes me that he has changed so much. He usually is pretty quiet at gatherings, does not like to be the center of attention. But when he is asked to do something for work, he does it. The other day...I need to get this picture from him....he wore a large brown yard debris bag and was greeting people at the office as they showed up for work to remind them that it was Brown Bag BINGO day. People at the office were suppose to pack a lunch and spend their lunch hour playing BINGO. I think the money from the sale of the cards went to their in-house employees helping employees charity. I can't get him to go out with friends, but they can get him to dress up in a brown paper bag and wear a bowling pin hat!
Annnnnd....we won't even talk about my bowling scores. Lets just say that I was consistent. I had the same score both games. I think one of Katie's games was higher than my combined score!
1 comment:
I haven't been around for awhile. My grandma in WVA has a failing heart. My Dad her son is in the ER tonight with a leg infection. They do not see it in his blood system but that is good news..
I am exhausted and will come back another day!
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