I'm sitting here watching The Ten Commandments while baking cookies and searching for the new Hatchling Eggs Sea Shell set.
BRB!!! LOL....
OK....gonna let those sit on the pan for a little bit, then take them off.....
Anyway....I am making cookies to sell at work tomorrow for my JA fund raiser. I'm making chocolate chip and ..... can't wait to try these.... milk chocolate chip, white chocolate chip w/macadamia nuts!!!! SWEEET! I think those are going to be awesome! I am selling them tomorrow 2 cookies to a baggie for 50 cents. I think I will have to keep some here. Just a few though. I still have all of the Pepperidge Farm cookies from the auction.....and there goes Old Memnet over the edge of the balcony....I love this movie. Along with Gone With the Wind, The Sound of Music and The Wizard of Oz....love them!
One of my favorite scenes is when Rameses comes back from Goshin and Nefretiri kisses him and after she laughs at him he tells her she will be his wife and she will come to him when calls and he will like it very much and whether she likes it or not does not matter.....but he thinks she will! I love that! Yul Brenner was so damn sexy in this movie.
OK....back to searching and baking!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Good Evening Barbara & Gals,
I'm in the middle of cooking dinner, Grilled Italian Sausage and Peppers & Onions (Sweet ones), I only use the Sweet Onions, they taste better. I had to go mix the peppers and onions, they look YUMMY!!!!
Well tomorrow is the day (FINGERS CROSSED) that we take my Mom to the doctors and find out when & if she can have her surgery, her pulmonary doctor gave her the ok, its about a 6 hour operation, I'm thinking positive that she will be able to get it. SHE NEEDS IT BAD. She can't come downstairs she comes down maybe once a week, and the pain is just terrible. But I talked to 2 people whos mother had the surgery and they said it was like night and day so that is good news.
The boys are off this week, I can't believe the difference in my son Anthony this week, hes in such a good mood, happy, that poor kid is just not happy in school this year. He never went thru this. I hope things change for him next year.
Prayers for Dreamas Grandmother, and BIG HUGS FOR DREAMA.
Talk to you soon!!!!
Renee Eve xoxoxoxo
Just checking out new picture
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