Last night I was watching American Idol and they had Lady GaGa on. I have only seen her in magazines and online. I didn't get the whole interest thing in her. Now that I have seen her perform....I still don't get it. I posted on Facebook that I thought she reminded me of a chick from the 80's. I quoted a line from a song, said how she dressed in plastic. Well guess who knew the answer?? Yep...She-Came-From-The-80's Glynis herself!!!! Of course Glynis would know who I was talking about it. Not only did she know, she sent me the video!
Enjoy Missing Persons!!!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
What can I say, I love my 80's music! And when you mentioned the song and that you thought she reminded you of "that singer"... Berry and I had just had the same conversation earlier. We agree! Maybe it is just the blonde hair and the way she moves when she sings.
I still can't get over the whole 80's music dialogue we had last night. Some of the greatest music came from that decade.
Going back to listen to President Obama's press conference. TTYL!
word: pholess
sentence: The Vietnamese restaurant ran out of soup and found itself pholess. :o)
LOL! Great sentence!
I have been singing that damn song in my head all day!
Word: ecodip
Sentence: What do you call a tasty treat made with all organic foods that you eat with organic chips and crackers? Answer: Ecodip!
I finally watched my tape of AI from last night. Now I REALLY think she looks like the chick from Missing Persons. How did they get the piano to fill up with bubbles and not have a soapy, popped bubble mess? And where do you get a bubble piano? I want one!
word: socedio
**isn't that a Phil Collins song?** LOL
I haven't gotten to see AI at all this season. This evening I had to do an out of town repo. There was a grass fire on the highway so we had to take F&M roads back to town. There was several grass fires. The arsonists love to come out to play on extremely wind days. THEN, (oh yeah in my life there is always another THEN) there was a major road block and cops had the bomb squad at an apartment complex. I saw the robot that goes to get the bomb and the huge truck that they explode the bomb in. Now I'm home and going to go chew on Xanax. I'm way past Mr. Bubble. Have a nice evening and a wonderful week end if I don't get to stop by!
A friend of mine called and asked me what else I did today as if that wasn't enough. LOL
Good Afternoon Barb & Gals,
Its been about a week since I've been to the blog I think. My SIL is still at UofM and still in and out of it. They can't do the spinal tap yet to see if there is infection in her brain, because shes loosing so much blood they had to give her like 4 pints and were starting another one this morning. But sometimes she knows you and sometimes she don't. Its very sad.
My mother is going to her surgeon for her back on April 13 THANK GOODNESS her MRI from a week ago showed that her Lumbar Stenosis has gotten worse and its traveling up the spine now so she needs clearance from her family doctor and her lung doctor. Shes in so much pain it hurts my heart to see my mom like that.
Anthony, is still Anthony, I thought he was getting better, but I was changing sheets and found blood on his sheets hes cutting again, I asked him to see his arms and legs and they are all cut up. Hes depressed he said, I just don't understand how he can be depressed, he hates school, he hates home he told me. Everyone yells at him. His teachers, his Dad, ME, but he told me I'm the only one that understands him. I don't know. We go to therapy on Monday.
I am also going back to the Hospital tonite to see Charlene. I'm sorry I'm venting, I just needed to express my thoughts.
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