This is the view out my window right now!
It's so nice out! What a beautiful day. And it's Friday to boot! WooHoo!
I'm going to try not to pay any attention to the H1N1 Flu, or as I call it Hinie Flu. The 1 after the H and N look like I's so it looks like HiNi, or Hinie! Whatever...
Hubby was telling me that he had to deal with that crap all day at work yesterday. The stores are out of hand sanitizer and face masks. Good lord people. A friend of his, who is retired, called him and said they should put up signs in the stores that say..."We are out of Hand Sanitizer and Masks. We do have condoms, so porking is still allowed." I know, bad taste, but funny.
OMG I just IMDB'd the movie you're talking about... The Proposal! It looks hilarious! "It's like an Easter egg hunt!"
Can't wait :)
I am not worried about the hinie flu... I don't leave the house anyways LOL
Dad is on furlough til September :( so he won't be in Mexico much. I'm worried about my parents... they're gonna go from living off of two incomes to just mom's for a few months. I should get a job down here just to bring in money so I don't have to mooch off of them....... I'm going to give it a few weeks and if things don't progress in Austin then I'll get something temporary down here.
Hello Barbara,
I'm just stopping by to say HI, I have a BUSY weekend and week, Victor makes his First Holy Communion tomorrow, so I have to run across the street at 7:00 so my neighbor can hem his pants and alter his suit coat, he said he would have them ready by noon tomorrow, hes such a nice man, thats what he does for a living a tailor.
My mom goes for her back surgery Monday at 11:00 am, she has to be at the hospital at 8:30 am. Hopefully I will stop back before then.
After the Church, my in laws decided to take 20 of us to a Restaurant called the Brewery, mostly Steaks, Pork Chops, Fish, I thought it was nice of them. But I thought a lunch meat tray and potatoe salad would of been fine too.
His cake is beautiful. I will take pictures and post them on FB. Talk to you guys soon
Love Renee Eve xo xo
Adriana, my husband was but on 40 hours so we are like going down to 1 paycheck also he was working like 75 hours a week, I'm hoping we can do this, because there is no way I can work with my mom and my boys with all they need. We will have to cut out a lot of extras, like treats and things. I don't even know if I could find a job right now in Michigan its so bad. Three Chrysler plants closed. Oh well, we will just have to have FAITH!!!!!
HI Adri and RE!
RE....man....you sound busy...
Adri....I can't wait to see that movie. It looks so funny.
I have been spending so much time at night playing Egg Breakers and searching Hatchlings. I have not been able to find the emerald yet. SO off I go!
I forgot I wanted to say that I will be sending positive thoughts your way Monday for your Mom's surgery.
Hi Adri, Glynis, Barb, Renee and anyone else who stops by. My Dad has been in the hospital all week. He got an infection that spread rapidly from his foot to his leg.The doctors think this began with a tiny unnoticed cut on his toe and that he picked an outdoor parasite. He had fever and chills and the antibiotic pills were not helping him at all. He had quit eating and was in severe pain so on Monday I called an ambulance and had him transported to the hospital. My Mother was crying and hysterical Monday morning and it was total kaos. My Dad's birthday is Tuesday. My sister and nephew will be in town soon.
Yesterday you mentioned swine flu. The media always causes drama. The panic started because this was a new strain of influenza and it was killing people age 20-40 which was odd. My sister works at AT&T in San Antonio and they've been swamped with 9-11 calls and for the most part it has all been panic. It was so difficult to get my Dad situated in the hospital for a "real" emergency because of all of the people swamping the ER with fear.
Today Iam taking a break and my sister's ex in laws are taking over for me. They offered and I said YES!!! LOL. Now I feel rested and I can stop shoveling sugar down my throat to ward off the axiety attacks!
Miss you all! xoxo
Barb..I meant to add that I love the picture from your window. I love anything scenic.It's lovely to see everything in bloom. The tractors came yesterday and shredded all of the colorful wildflowers growing by the sides of the roads. Bummer!
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