My friend at work, Karen, her house caught on fire this morning. Her husband called her and said that everyone was out of the house, but they could not find 2 of her kitties. The fire department had the fire out, and they were looking for the kitties, but they could not find them. I tried to reassure her that they were just hiding and that they will be fine. They are not allowed to go back in the house for 12 hours. That's going to make it even harder for them to look for the cats. They are both black, so I'm hoping that they are just hiding and the firemen could not see them. Poor things. They are probably terrified. Karen was told that a light fell on some boxes and they caught fire. I have no idea what the damage is. I just hope its only the boxes and that everything else is just smoke and water damage. Her husband, daughter, grandkids, 2 cats and a dog were all in the house and got out OK. It's the other 2 kitties that she is worried about.
Everyone think positive for her......
**they have found one of her kitties. unfortunately the kitty has died. they are still looking for the other one. most likely that one has died also. she said that it appears her house contents are a complete loss. they had to take her husband to the hospital because he burned his hand trying to put it out. i feel so sorry for her**
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3 months ago
Oh Barbara I'm so sorry for your friend and her losses. I hope she was FULLY insured or that could be a mess. There was a family in our Church that did not have full coverage or bought up coverage, I can't remember, they did rebuild the house, but they asked for donations for everything from furniture, to silverware and everything inbetween. Maybe you could do something on here for her if shes not fully insuranced. But at least her family is ok, I know how important animals are to a family. They will just have to make new ones, my heart goes out to her and her family. Please keep us updated!!!!!!
On a different note today May 12 is my sons 14th Birthday today so 14 years ago at this time I was in PAIN terrible pain, but I did get my epidural by this time, he was born at 3:13pm
Just stopped by to say HI its 1:30 and I have to go get him a cake were taking him to Red Robins he dosen't know yet then we are going to the Nursing home to see my mother.
Renee Eve xoxoxoxo
I am very sorry to hear about this tragic house fire and that it claimed the lives of the family pets.This family is in my heart and prayers.
Some people know that David and I were watching a movie with the surround sound up real high as lithium batteries had exploded and caught his garage and attic on fire 2 years ago. Flames were fully engulfed over our heads and we never knew it. The smoke alarms did not go off. We were completely unaware until the tires on his truck began exploding. It took 6 months for him to rebuild and the insurance company sent out an investigator who was trying to proove personal neglect that would make it his fault so that they wouldn't have to pay out a dime. Luckily he was covered but it cost $80,000 and it was a fight every step of the way with this contracter to get the home repaired and pass inspection. Then 2 weeks later about a week before Christmas while my grandma was in the hospital having kneee surgery arsonists burned down her home after looting it. She lost all of her photos and family heirlooms. The insurance paid her but she sold the property and went to live with her children for the past 2 years. Her heart is failing now so she is in a nursing home. Last month a friend was charging his lithium batteries and his also exploded and burned down his garage. He was lucky that his garage was detached and his children were no where near by. These are the same lithium batteries used in cellphones and laptops and digital cameras and instead of taking them off the market they are putting them into more and more products and now electric cars. Not good. Not good at all.
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