Today is Memorial Day. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family members who have served in the Military....
Grandpa Robert Sebastian~~NAVY WWII
Father-in-Law Robert Carlyle~~AIR NATIONAL GUARD
Brother Michael Robert~~MARINES
Brother-in-Law Richard Kevin~~AIR FORCE
Great Uncle Joe~~AIR FORCE WWII
I would also like to say Thank You to my friends family members who are currently serving.....
Karen's son Matt~~ 2 tours in Afghanistan and 1 in Iraq. Will be going back in a few months for a 4th Tour.
Karen's daughter Melissa~~Army Reserves Band
Neighbor Phillip~~ 1 Tour Iraq and currently in Afghanistan.
Sandy's daughter Brittney~~ Currently in boot camp for Army Reserves.
My thoughts are with you all........
Renee Eve...
I read your comment late last night. I'm so sorry for everything that your mom is having to go through. I hope this new place that she is at is treating her better than the last one.
Do not ever feel bad for leaving a long comment. You can leave whatever comment you want here.
Thinking of you.....
Thank you Barb, it felt so good to express and write to someone anyone, who reads it LOL. Yes, shes in a better place right now. My middle son Vincent has been with her today, and either John or I will be picking him up at 8:00 or 8:30 visiting hours end at 8:00 but they let you stay till 9:00 on the rehab floor. Bless Vincents heart for staying with her. Anthony does not have the patience to sit there with her that long, hes 14 and hes got friends coming over and hes always talking on his cell phone or texting I guess your typical teenager. Victor wanted to stay with Vincent, but hes only 8 and John and I said no your not old enough. But he was ok with that today, because I have very sad news Vincents & Victors Byetta Fish died today we flushed them down the toliet and said Goodbye to Jack and Bob. I don't understand how they died on the same day and they were bought on the same day, we had them for 18 months. Unless its the water I used I usually use tap water and let it set out for 24 hours, but I bought distelled water and they both died a week later. They said distilled water was ok. So we will see what John and Victor comes home with. I will check back later. I have some laundry to fold. Thanks again Barbara.
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