I'm tired of having nothing to say. Blah....I don't want to keep talking about myself. I find myself to be very boring, as I am sure you find me to be boring too. There has been nothing going on in the world that I want to spend the time talking about. Like the Presidential speech controversy. How ridiculous was that? Not the speech....the stupid controversy. Let the man speak to the little kidlins. Like it was going to hurt. Rip the bandaid off Republicans. It's going to be OK.
Goowa...I'm so friggen bored of being me. I want to be witty. I want I want I want....see....I'm boring myself. Bored bored bored. Have you left yet? Why are you still reading? I guarantee that it will not be getting any better. I need a nap. Or chocolate. I'm sure sex is not in the near future, so I have suppressed that need. Still here?? I thought for sure that the sex comment would have sent you fleeing to the hills. I need a vacation. The one I had in July was too long ago. I need another one. I don't want to wait one week. Because you know I leave in one week. For a week. On vacation. Because I deserve one. I work hard you know. Hard like a sailor. Is that hard??? How about hard like trucker? Or maybe hard like a mommy with newborn twins. **i know you thought i was going to be nasty but i wasn't so get your mind out of the gutter** Why are you still here????
I'm leaving....I have succeeded in boring myself.....
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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