This is an article from Yahoo.News today....
HONOLULU – Stinky city bus riders soon could get soaked. The Honolulu City Council is considering a bill that would impose up to a $500 fine and/or up to six months in jail for public transit passengers convicted of being too smelly.
The bill will be heard Thursday in committee. It would make it illegal to have "odors that unreasonably disturb others or interfere with their use of the transit system."
It doesn't matter if it's body odor or offensive fumes that emanates from clothes, personal belongings or animals.
Councilmen Rod Tam and Nestor Garcia co-sponsored the anti-odor bill.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Hawaii says it is concerned with laws that are inherently vague, which opens the door to discriminatory enforcement based on an officer's individual prejudices.
WTS??? Some people have physical problems that cause them to have body odor. I'm not talking about overweight issues. I know of skinny minnies who have BO. But seriously, to fine someone $500 because they stink? Don't you just kind of expect there to be people using public transportation who are smelly? I'm not saying that ALL people who use the bus system are smelly, but you know....that is why I drive a car! There are some smelly people on the bus. There are smelly people in the grocery store, at the library. You can't punish people because you think they lack personal hygiene. Maybe they just got off of work and have not had the chance to go home and shower.
It won't pass. It's just so ridiculous....
My son Bryan had surgery this morning. He had an old football injury that needed to be taken care of. He has been complaining about his shoulder for years, 7 in fact, but no doctor would do anything about it. "It's arthritis." "Ice it." "Exercise it." "Take an aspirin." He finally decided to go see a sports doctor at UW. They doctor there told him that he at some point during football, separated his shoulder and broke his collar bone. He had deposits on the tip of the bone and that was rubbing around in his shoulder socket. Or something like that. So this morning the doctor cut off the end of Bryan's clavicle bone. He is promising Bryan that after he heals he will be pain free. I hope so. Bryan can't even sigh papers without it causing him pain. And forget about sleeping. Poor kid. So the surgery is over, and now he is on his way to healing.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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