Friday, September 4, 2009


I was going to blog today about how freaking tired I am, but then I just stopped by one of my new favorite blogs and she was talking about her insomnia problem. That does not seem to be my problem. I get really really tired and then force myself to stay up and play on the computer or to finish watching something on TV. If I would just go to bed when I felt tired I would just fall asleep and get the right amount of rest to feel all fresh and happy. So I have not been all fresh and happy today. I can't stop yawning. I know I should get back to taking vitamins and green tea....but I keep forgetting. I have been more concerned about harvesting my crops on FB then getting the right amount of sleep. Or watching Big Brother after dark because I want to be up on all of the shenanigans (which reminds me.....i need to go check the live feed boards....). Heaven forbid if I miss some big scheme. Some major backstabbing. A butt shot.....yaaaaaaawwwwwwnnnnnnn.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........

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