Had a great time Trick-or-Treating with my sister, her daughter-in-law Melissa, Melissa's mom Connie, Melissa's 2 year old Richie and Katie. Richie was the cutest ever. At one house he went up, said his Trick-or-Treat, got a candy, but was not leaving. Melissa was pulling him away a little but he was still looking in the bowl. The woman asked him if he wanted another one. Then she held up a tootsie-pop. Nope. Then she held up another piece of candy and asked him..."Are you looking at this one?" Richie replied...."Yes I am!" Katie got it all on video. So funny! Another cute thing he said that had us all cracking up was when we were just a couple houses away from being back home, and he looked up and saw that the clouds had parted and the moon was showing and he said...."What a bootiful moon!" It was so funny because the surprise in his voice was so freaking cute~ You just want to squeeze him!
This is not the video of Richie (that can be found on my Facebook) but I saw this one on lolcats this morning and it had me in tears! So funny!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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