My Kidlins. My Adult Kidlins that is.
I have been so lucky to have great kids. I know they're great because a lot of people tell me they are. It's hard for me to really know for sure because they piss me off all the time. OK...maybe not Katie...but Bryan for sure is a constant thorn in my side. Wait a minute.....Why am I thankful again???
All kidding aside, they are pretty great. They're smart. Smart enough to not tell me during High School when they were doing something that would make me angry. They knew better than to make me angry. I get all green and my clothes rip as my angry muscles burst....OK....I think you get it. Bryan has "confessed" too many things already. Now I just don't want to know. Ugh....don't tell me any more about how when you were in Middle School you used to go to the school roof to skateboard and then jump off when security came. Nope. Don't tell me. I want to stay blissfully unaware of your shenanigans. Katie never did stuff like that. She was too busy. Now I think she is trying to make up for it. Just kidding. Unless you call having a few drinks and singing Karaoke as acts of rebellion. Guess it all depends on the song choice.
They are good kids though. I love em more than chocolate cake. Not a lot more mind you. I'm not stupid. We're talking chocolate cake here. I do love them more than beer. I'm actually not very fond of beer. So I love them waaaaay more than beer!
And maybe....someday... they will get married and have their own families so that I can teach their kids to do stuff like pour soapy water on the kitchen floor and do belly slides. Or poke sticks in their puke to remind them what they had for lunch. I can teach their kids the proper way to stab their sibling in the butt with a letter opener so that it inflicts just enough pain to get the message across without actually causing any damage to the poked buttock. I can teach them that if they write stories in school that are just warped enough to scare the teacher then their parents will have to go talk to the principle.
OH MAN.....
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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