My Hubby.
My Husband. Mr. Barb_Wa. My Better Half. My Spouse. Daddy.
He means the world to me. Yes....I love my kids with every fiber of my being. But they don't always want to do the kinds of things that Robert will do for me.
**get your minds out of the gutter this instant**
Things like.....
♥Have the newspaper on the bed when I wake up on Sunday mornings. Or on Thanksgiving morning. We don't take the paper anymore, so he has to actually go to the store and buy it for me.
♥Do way more things around the house than me and not complain while doing it. There are things he won't change the kitty litter...but he does clean the bathroom. That in itself makes me very thankful :-)
♥He takes me on FANTASTIC vacations. I love Hawaii...but I will remember every minute of our Anniversary trip to Europe forever.....
♥Cook for me every Sunday. When the kids were still at home, I did all of the cooking. Now that it is just the two of us, we don't do a lot of cooking on a daily basis. We're just not that hungry anymore. But every Sunday, he makes me breakfast and cooks dinner. And dang it all anyway....he cooks really well. Makes me kinda jealous....but mostly thankful!
♥Be not only my husband...but my best friend. We really do enjoy the same things. It makes it so much easier to figure out places to go and things to do because we both pretty much love the same stuff. It's either that...or he his great at suppressing his own desires........ Naw....We enjoy the same things!
♥He gets me mochas. He is in fact doing that right now :-)
♥He saves his children. He is in fact doing that right now :-)
Apparently Katie locked herself out of her car when she went to work last night. Robert was at the store when she finished her shift and realized that she left her keys in her car. We have an extra key, so he brought her back here, got her key, and drove her back to work. He does this in nasty Winter weather too. Driving her back and forth to work if it is too bad for her to do it. She does give it a good try though. And she bought chains for her car. And knows how to put them on!
♥He takes care of my mom. He will do the same for her that he does for the kids. Picks her up at 5am to take her to work if it is icy or has snowed overnight. Or he will go to her house when it is 106* and try for 2 hours to get a brand new air conditioner installed and then try to get the dang thing to work. **it was defective** But he does these things with no complaint. He just does it. If mom needs something, he's there.
♥He is loyal to not only his family but also his employer. He has worked for them for something like 31 years. They are the only company he has ever worked for. That doesn't happen much anymore.
♥He volunteers. If someone needs something done for a charity, he is at the top of the list for people to ask for help. A guy that he works with was having difficulty getting people to sign up for a walk. It was getting close to the date of the event and he needed teams. All Robert had to do was send out an email and the guy got his teams....and then some!
I could really just keep going and going. He does so much for not only me, but family, friends, co-workers and the community.
But he has returned with my peppermint mocha.
And for that.....
I am soooooo Thankful.....
**love you**
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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