Camile (Cammy) March 20 1990-January 16 2010
She's gone.
That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life.
I can't even begin to say how much that hurt.
I know so many of you who have had to do the same thing, and my heart is breaking for all of us.
I have only seen my husband cry like that one other time.
When my brother died.
I hope he doesn't read this because I don't want him to know that I just said that.
But that broke my heart even more.
It was peaceful.
The vet came in and said something about her being such an old kitty and that it was her time. Then he said he was going to give her a shot in her belly and that she would go to sleep. And then she would pass. He quickly gave her the shot and then told me I could sit down and hold her. And I did.
And I broke down.
He left us alone with her and then came back a little while later. I thought she was gone, but he said her little heart was still beating very slowly. After about another minute or so she was gone.
We (Robert, Katie and I) brought her home and I put her on her blanket in a box.
I then got my brothers ashes and sprinkled some on her.
So that she would not be alone.
Rick loved those cats so much.
It was the right thing to do. To put them together.
Their dates are so close. Rick died on January 19th.
I miss him so much.
I miss Baby, Leo, Cleo and now our Cammy Girl.
Our hearts are broken.....
So sorry you had to go through that Barb. We've had to put our dogs down. Putting Luna down was so hard because it was totally unexpected. I think my dad had to have a puppy put down and that lil' guy had to have twice the amount because his lil' heart kept beating.
At least Cammy is in a better place and keeping your brother company now. I'm totally crying while typing this after reading your blog. I wish I could be there to give you big hugs!
OMG - this is going to sound random, but it'll come full circle. You know that commercial for adopting animals, animals who've been abused, and they play "Angel" by Sarah Mclachlan? That song just started playing right now. I thought that was crazy... Anywho, it'll get easier. Give more lovins to the other kitties - they are probably just as sad, or will be when they realize.
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( HUGS ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Thanks Adri. I went to the movies with Katie and my Mom so that I could take my mind off it for a while. My friend Beth called last night to ask if she could keep me company today, but we were out. I tried to call her this morning after we got home, but someone was on the phone. So I missed her. I love that she called to offer to be with me. Beth and I both have a complete love for kitties.
Thanks again Adri....
You're very welcome. Oh, I feel I must warn you... after Cali passed, I think she stayed here to keep us company since we were kitty-less. We would see "her" out of the corner of our eyes. Maybe that was just because we had no more cats... haven't had any "sightings" since we got Sugar and Spice.... hope I didn't freak ya out LOL
So touching, Barb. Although we've talked about this over the past couple days, I just read the blog for the first time. Tomorrow (1/18) is the anniversary of my mom's DOD...I know how hard anniversaries can be. Remembering Cammy and your brother, together in peace, will be a blessing in the future.
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