Thursday, January 14, 2010

changed heading

so i changed the heading and the picture yesterday but now i cant get the title to move where i want it to go. ugh...i don't know why this has to be that hard. took me forever again to get the picture from scrapblog to here. i have to send it to photobucket first and then save it to my pictures, then i can upload the picture. what a freaking hassle.
i think i will try to play with it some will take my mind off all the crap i'm dealing with....
i also figured out how to save the picture without going to photobucket!

its the small things in life.....


Aimee said...

I had the same problem with Scrapblog. But they contacted me on Twitter and told me that if you go to file > export as pdf. then it will let you save directly to your computer.

Sorry you're having rough times! I wish there was some way I could help!

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

thats how i figured out what to do. i was sitting there watching the screen while it was uploading and it said how to save it to your photos on your computer. so much easier!

Barbara_in_COviaWA said...

and thanks for the kind thoughts. its going to continue to be a rough month.....