I look freaking 80 years old. I have not had my hair colored since I think November. My hair stylist is on maternity leave and I have not had a color or cut since. I think my gray grow-out is close to 3 inches. OK....I just measured. I have a 2 inch gray streak on the top of my head. Gross....Seriously....Gross....
I asked my friend Sandy for the name and number for her stylist, but I have not called yet. I keep avoiding it. I don't know why. It's just a hair appointment. It's not a pap smear or something. It's only my stupid hair that looks like crap. I have had the number for a week. But do I make a simple phone call? Nope. I'm even toying with the idea of buying something at the store and just giving myself an all over color. But they I think about all the money I have been spending on getting a color weave only to ruin it with a bad dye job. And then I think about how I have already ruined it by letting my gray grow 2 inches.
I'm just lazy.
I need someone else to make the call and then tell me that my appointment is on such and such day at this hour. GAAAWWWWD.....I need to quit being so lazy and just make the friggen call.
But I don't want too....
I'm cold too.
Just thought I would throw that in.
But I'm also to lazy to plug the space heater in.....
So I sit here freezing.....
My own fault.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
1 comment:
You crack me up Barbara!! Get your hair colored already!!
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