Thursday, May 28, 2009

Funny Kittehs

This one is so wrong. Aly and I do this every day. I pick her up...she starts whining, and I start whining right back at her. We keep this up for a couple minutes, which annoys her....but greatly amuses me!


DreamaTexas said...

I'm just now having a quick chance to catch up to the blogs.
Barb yes that was the movie I watched with Renee Zellweger. That was hilarious when she didn't know how to dress for the cold weather. I accidently showed my headlights but it was on a hot humid day and I wore a white shirt and I sweated. I didn't even realize what was going on with my shirt and my boobies but I did notice that the guys at the oil rig that I was touring were tripping over their feet to give me their dark tinted eye wear and taking a lot of photos. Gawd, men!
Men never learn when it comes to certain things such as don't open the door too wide and let the cat or in my case pup out. Men are mechanically smart but other times they are just dense and screaming won't help. LOL
Tomorrow I have an hor long deep tissue massage! Yay!

DreamaTexas said...

Okay so that was supposed to be hour not hor!!!!

Renee Eve said...

OMG Dreama, Your story reminds me of when we went to Florida I was going in 6th grade so its been a WHILE a LONG TIME AGO, and my cousin Larry, and my sister and I got a few new bathing suits for the trip. Well Larry bought a white bathing suit, he jumped into the pool and the pool was very crowded and he came out of the pool and here comes my Aunt with a Towel putting it around him, and whispering something in his ear, he ran up to the room and put his black suit on LOL, he never wore it again. LOL, Thank Goodness our Moms were there.

I'm so TIRED and my mom needs underwear, pants, and shirts TODAY, she had nothing to wear today in therapy, and she tells me when I get to the Hospital yesterday. So I called my sister to see if she could take them up there, because I'm not feeling well, I'm having some Female problems for the past 2 weeks, and she said NO, you know I told you I can't do it on Tuesdays or Thursdays I'm the scorekeeper for Victorias Baseball games!!!!!

WHATEVER!!!!! I love my sister, but I really could use someone to drive up her clothes to her, but thats okay, I will do it. Anthony is going to take a ride with me.
John wants to watch the Tigers so does Larry, and for some reason my son Victor thinks Hospitals are full of GERMS LOL, they are, but hes like PARANOID, and Vincents tired tonite. OK I will check in later!!!!!

Renee Eve xoxoxoxo

The Hockey Playoffs start on Saturday GO WINGS!!!!!!!!