Sunday, May 3, 2009

Need to get caught up.....

So as I said yesterday.....I skipped the Portland Bowl-A-Thon. Good thing. Hubby didn't even come home until after 6pm! That would have been way to long for me. Oiy...He just spent the afternoon visiting and reliving all his glory of being Capt BAT. He should have though. That is a buttload of money that they raised. We went for Chinese food and he totally pigged out and then went home, took a shower and crashed for the night. He was so tired.
I got quite a bit done yesterday. And then the storm hit. And hit fast. In fact, I was watching Casino on TV and they broke in with an alert, but the storm was already over us. Thank God we don't live in a tornado area. My roof would have already been gone! I was watching TV and then there was a flash of lightning, the computer popped off, and then the sky just literally opened up. I don't think I have ever seen it rain that hard that fast. It usually starts to sprinkle, then pick up. No. This was like a tsunami from the sky. And then the lightning flashed and burst right over the house, which freaked the cats out. Cammy slept thought the whole thing, but the kittens freaked and hid underneath the bed. I was able to get Kodi to come to me, but Aly stayed under there for over an hour. Kodi though wanted to be held. Poor thing. I was able to get a couple pictures after I was able to get my mind past the amazement of it all. But by that time it had let up a little. The pics still look crazy though.
Hubby already picked up the wine we ordered at the JA Wine Tasting Fund Raiser Wednesday night. That is always a good time. Someone who works at the office is married to a wine distributor and for a couple years now they have a wine tasting and then donate the money to JA. We did not buy any Reds this year. I thought we still has a lot of Reds from last year. Ooooopsie....we still had Whites. Oh well. We drink more whites now anyway since I figured out that the Reds give me headaches.
We bought 6 bottle of Domaine Bernard Defaix Chablis (France 2006) 6 bottles Domaine Eugene Carrel Altesse Rousette de Savoie Blanc (France 2007) 6 bottles Zolo Torrontes (Argentina 2007) and 6 bottles Domaine Eugene Carrel Rose (France 2008). I seem to like the French wines the best. The Zolo is really good.
This week should be nice and quiet. I am only busy Saturday when I go to my friend Beth's to make cards for May birthdays. That means i get to play with her kitty Hunter! He's a bigger version of Kodiak. And her kitty Tess looks a lot like Alyeska, just not as furry, but bigger! LOL! They really are quite a lot a like. Tess hides though and I usually only see her right before I leave. Silly kitty. Doesn't she realize how much I love the kitties????


Renee Eve said...

Good Evening Barb and Friends,

I am asking for prayers for my mother who is going in for her surgery tomorrow for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. I am very scared and nervous for her.

I will keep you all updated as much as I can.

Renee Eve xoxoxoxoxoxo

DreamaTexas said...

Prayers sent your way Renee!
Hi Barb!

Glynis said...

We had that same storm Barb! One minute I sent Berry out to get the kids a happy meal for dinner, the next thing I know he is throwing the food on the table, running outside in the rain and wind and placing large bricks on the trampoline so it doesn't blow into our neighbor's backyard....again.

yes, again.

Can I just say, I don't mind the rain but I HATE me some wind!

Glad your roof didn't blow off!!