There is a man who comes to our office once a week and brings us candy. The Candyman is what everyone calls him. He doesn't always come on the same day though, so sometimes the bowl is empty for a while and people freak. "Where is the candy?" "Is the Candyman coming soon?" I used to always buy the candy for the front desk. I think that every front desk should have a candy bowl. It makes an office feel welcoming to have a bowl of candy available for everyone to have little treat. Even the delivery guys/gals will help themselves. Sometimes it seems like that is lunch for some of these agents. They just get to busy and don't stop to eat something. So they come down to my desk looking for anything to eat. So I always tried to keep some kind of candy around. I went out several months ago and bought some candy dishes. Really cute ones at Ross. So they were also really cheap! But now that the Candyman has been coming we have to use his bowl. And it's fricken butt ugly. Take a look....

He took a cheap plastic wine cup and glued it to the bottom of a cheap plastic bowl. I hate it. Isn't that mean? The guy is bringing us candy...a lot of candy...weekly for free....and I can't stand having that butt ugly bowl on my desk. Not when I went out and bought this....

Oh snap....I just saw that you can see the blue sticker on the bowl still. Oh well....
I have these really nice bowls. The crystal one and then some holiday ones, and we have to use that ugly red one. One day when it was empty and I knew he would not be back until sometime the next week, I got tired of looking at that thing, so I went to put it in the credenza and I was having trouble getting it in there, and I accidentally broke the plastic wine glass. I felt bad, but was also kinda glad that....YAY no more ugly ass bowl! When the Candyman came the following week, he asked where the bowl was. And I told him that it accidentally got broken. He said "Oh. That's OK. I have more." And he went out and got a new ugly ass plastic red bowl with an ugly ass plastic wine cup glued into the bottom.
So here I sit, day after day, looking at all that candy, in that sorry looking red bowl.
So... do you all know who the candyman actually is? Or is he just some kind STRANGER feeding you all candy that could be tainted? Hmmmm?? I guess if none of you have dropped dead from his candy yet, it's all good.
Can you see the candyman coming before he actually reaches yoour desk? I say poor the candy into the pretty bowl, hide his bowl until he is back, let him refill, repeat...
or just let the ugly bowl sit and know that somehow this man finds happiness in giving. And you make him happy. :o)
Damn, now I am craving M&Ms.
HAHA! We know who he is. Well kinda...he wants the agents to think of him for business. He keeps some business cards in the dish in the wine cup! And there are little stickers on all the candy with his number on it. An agent actually called him from a candy wrapper! I can't use my bowl for his candy. I would feel too bad. But believe me....I have been very tempted to dump it in the crystal one!
Hi Barb & Glynis!
I wonder if that candyman could be related to my Dad! When ever I need my fix I know my Dad, my personal candyman will not let me down!
I always keep the stickers on my crystal except for glasses. I am addicted to crystal and always have been ever since I first laid eyes on the hand cut beauty of the 24% lead German crystal.
The Christmas boxes of candy are already out. I just bought the dark chocolate covered cherries and Dove dark chocolate miniatures with almonds in gold foil. I had to have them because the gold foil made them look so festive. A little bit early to be starting the Holidays I know...but the stores started it.
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