I don't even know where to start today. I debated on even discussing some of this. But I can't get it out of my head.
Yesterday two things were all over the news.
#1 Balloon Boy
#2 Louisiana Judge
Lets start with #1 because #2 is just that...a bunch of crap!
#1: Balloon Boy
What a freaking nightmare. I was so worried. I watched live video on CNN online of that poor 6 year old boy tumbling helplessly in the sky, thousands of feet in the air. Wondering, trying to figure out how in the world they were going to save him. To me, there was no way. The height of the balloon, the spinning and spinning. I just couldn't see how the poor little thing could survive that. When the balloon finally landed and the cops and firemen were just kind of standing around I was heart sick. I knew that he had died. They were not doing anything to get the little guy out. He was gone. ummmmm....hold on there buddy....don't start shedding those tears that are welling up in your eyes. He is not in the balloon. YAY! Now they just need to find him around the house! ummmmm....hold on there buddy....turns out there was a box attached to the balloon that is no longer attached...and someone saw it fall off.....oh no...the tears are back in my eyes. Now they have to search for the box with the possible body of this 6 year old. How awful.....hold on there buddy.....he is at the house! YAY! They found him. He was hiding in the garage attic the whole time.
So why the hell was the property not completely searched? Every friggen inch of that property should have been searched. Every friggen inch! They had to shut down an airport because of this. They used police, fire and the National Guard because of this. But the boy is safe. Just scared. That is what is most important....hold on there buddy.....this could have all been a hoax? WTS???? Last night on CNN the boy was asked if he heard people calling for him. Yep. "Really?" asked "surprised" mom and dad. Gee son, if you could hear us calling for you why didn't you come? "Ummmm...you guys...ummmm...said it was for the show." WTS?????? I can not believe this. A hoax. And now this morning there is a video that the stupid ass father released showing the take off of the balloon. The balloon that has NO BOX ATTACHED to it. You know....the box that the brother said that the kid had crawled into before liftoff. The box that the dad said was attached to the balloon that caused the police to start searching for it. You know...the box that is clearly not attached to it as dad is standing there watching it go into the air.....
#2: Louisiana Judge
Oh man....I don't even know where to begin. **sigh** I just can't believe that someone can be like this. It's 2009.
A judge in Louisiana denied a married license to a couple because....he is black she is white. If this isn't the biggest WTF this year I will be shocked. He is quoted as saying that he denied the license "out of concern for any children the couple might have." Because according to him "He came to the conclusion that most of black society does not readily accept offspring of such relationships, and neither does white society, he said.
"There is a problem with both groups accepting a child from such a marriage," Bardwell said. "I think those children suffer and I won't help put them through it." Because you know....Halle Berry is not very successful. Neither is Mariah Carey. Our own President Obama is suffering greatly because he is mixed race. Ya know those mixed race babies aint gonna amount to nothin cause all kinds hate em....Then he had the gaul to say this little nugget...."I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else." WOW! You let "them" use your bathroom! Now there is a guy who should have won the Nobel Peace Prize!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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