So....I'm not so sure what I think about this whole David Letterman debacle. Do I feel sorry for him? Not at all. (I guess that means I do know what I think about the whole thing.) That is what you get when you have an affair...or have affairs plural. Do I think the guy had the right to blackmail him? No. Come on Dave....people don't get blackmail material out of thin air. You just don't do shit like that and get away with it. You may get away with it for a while....but sooner or later someone talks, or someone finds out. I think this blackmailer and his lawyer are total assholes though. The nerve of them to blame Dave for the whole thing. Saying how Dave is this master manipulator. blackmailed him and then tried to cash the fake check for 2 million dollars. Ahemmm...that is illegal dumbshit. (sorry for the cuss bombs)
The thing that I question the most though is why this girl? Have you seen her? She is a plain jane. Nothing that would be a major score for having her or anything. Just an average girl. Dave could have had any hot chick he wanted. The guy is a millionaire. Cheap hot chicks will do it with any guy as long as he has some money. So why did he pick this girl? I think he did because he IS a manipulator. But not the kind that the sleazy lawyer is making him out to be. No...I think Dave is the worst kind of manipulator. He preys on single, maybe lonely plain girls who he knows he can get to have sex with him because they may not have had a boyfriend for a long time. (I know she had a boyfriend after the affair.) He knows that all he has to do is give them a little attention, tell them how much he wants them. They fall for it because finally someone wants them. Someone tells them they are pretty. They are wanted. He can't do that with a pretty girl. Pretty girls can have anyone. Nope. A pretty girl would have cost him some money.
Well Dave....the plain girl is gonna cost you more than money now....
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