The rain has finally let up a little bit. I woke up this morning to hear it just pouring. And since the trees have been dropping all of their leaves, that means all the drains are plugged so the roads are flooding. It has let up some, so not too bad out right now. As far as I know though, it's suppose to rain all day. I don't really care if people rake the leaves out of their yard. We don't. But it's just common sense to clear the drains in front of your house so that the water has somewhere to go. Not that hard to do. My sisters street floods all the time. At the end of her road the street kind of dips just enough so that the water pools there. Well if you add leaf clogged drains on top of it, she gets a huge mess that she has to drive through. At least she is at the top of the slight hill so the water is never a problem for them. And since no one can seem to be bothered down there to clear the drains, her husband walks down there with a rake and does it. The water will go up into peoples driveways and they still don't clear the drains. Lazy.
This morning after hubby left for work I still had about 1-1/2 hours before I had to get up. No I do not sleep that late...he leaves that early. This morning he left at 5-somethingish...I did not have to get up until 7am. Of course, after he left I was wide awake. And then I started thinking about the movie I saw with Katie yesterday. Yep. That movie. Paranormal Activity. The movie that we laughed at, that I was no longer laughing at now that I was home alone, in the dark. I cuddled with Kodiak and tried to go back to sleep. I made sure me feet were completely wrapped around under the blanket so that no evil entity could reach and grab my foot and pull me right out of the bed and down the hall. And then I had to pee, which meant getting up....in the dark. So I laid there for about 30-40 minutes fighting the urge to get up. But I finally had too. That meant that the kitty got up too and most likely thought I was getting up to feed him. But I wasn't going to do that, it was too early. And once I got up the kitty left the room and didn't come back for a while. So I just laid there trying not to think about the movie. I finally fell asleep about 15 minutes before I was going to get up. I should have just gotten up.

This morning at work, the staff ( me, Karen and Diane ) were in charge of treats for the office meeting. So we brought meat and cheese, rolls, bananas, apples with caramel dip and homemade sugar cookies. Karen makes the best sugar cookies. They are always a big hit.
So today there are 2 pictures. I just had to share the cookies with you!
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