This is 50 FIRST REACTIONS... type what comes to your mind FIRST whenever you hear/read these 50 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random and weird just type it! Re-post it for all of your friends.
1. Beer: gross. only drink it to get tipsy at concerts or with friends.
2. Food: need it
3. Relationships: are work, but worth it
4. Crush: clive owen
5. Power Rangers: Katie & Bryan
6. Life: is good
7. The President: LOVE HIM!
8. Yummy: choco cake with peanut butter frosting
9. Car: miata
10. Movie: all kinds!
11. Halloween: Kids dressing up when they were little
12. Sex: mmmmmmmm!
13. Religion: not for me
14. Hate: is a strong word that i use to much
15. Fear: fire and drowning......oh and clowns
16. Marriage: 25 years and counting!
17. Blondes: i'm a fake one
18. Slippers: warm and cozy
19. Shoes: katie is a shoe whore
20. Asians: bryan's celina....even though she is only half!
21. Past time: what? what i enjoy doing to pass the time? see #12
22. One night stand: see #12
23. My cell Phone: see #12...just kidding! red
24. Smoke: where there is smoke there is fire
25. Fantasy: see #12
26. College: wish i had gone
27. High school Life: fun...but not all of it
28. Pajamas: love pj bottoms!
29. Stars: are pretty
30. Center: of the universe
31. Alcohol: vanilla stoli w/diet coke
32. The word LOVE: is wonderful
33. Friends: are the best!
34. Money: wish i had more
35. Heartache: when i think of my brother
36. Time: i waste too much of it
37. Divorce: hope that i never go there
38. Dogs: are ok i guess
39. Undies: thongs are the best!
40. Parents: love my mommy
41. Babies: i love baby smell. i think its the baby magic lotion
42. Ex: who cares
43. Song: anything Journey
44. Color: blue
45. Weddings: love them
46. Pizza: yummmmmmmy!!!!!! needs lots of melted cheese
47. Hangout: at home
48. Rest: a good nap is needed often!
49. Goal: SCOOOOOOORE!!!!!!!!!!
50. Inspiration: family & friends
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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