Friday, June 19, 2009

There was a young President who swallowed a Fly....

OK....He didn't actually "swallow" the fly....but he flat out squished it! And big freaking deal! I can't even begin to tell you how many bugs I have squished, squashed, shmooshed, slapped, smacked, smeared, or smothered in toilet paper. Sometimes I even use a paper towel. But do I care what PETA thinks? Hell no. Go save a whale. Go save some tuna. Go save a dolphin. It is my understanding that flies are not on any kind of endangered species lists. But here we go, having to read and listen to PETA spout off their values on insects. Do these people not have anything better to do? If someone wants to kill a stupid fly then who cares? Well I guess PETA does. I'm just so tired of people throwing their values on everyone else. If you want to save every spider or bug that crawls into your space, then by all means save the little sucker. Put it outside where a nice big bird can eat it. I have been known to scoop up critters and put them outside. Mostly if they are on the big squishy side and it would gross me out to kill it. But if it is of the non-gross out type, then I will take care of it. Case in know those fuzzy jumpy black spiders? **shivers** Yeh those ones....there was one on the bedroom windowsill yesterday. It must have come in from the teeny tiny space under the air conditioner. I tried to get the creepy crawler to go back out, but all it kept doing was jumping around freaking me out. So I left it. Yep. I left a spider in my bedroom. It would have freaked me out more to try and kill it. Those suckers jump! And they are black and fuzzy like little mini tarantulas.....ewwwww....

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