I had a dream about Zombies last night. That's what I get for doing Facebook quizzes. And I'm sure the Woody Harrelson trailer yesterday before Year One didn't help either. It was called Zombieland or something like that. Weird movie that looked like it was about people finding new and creative ways to dispose of the walking dead. Then it looks like some kind of competition. I will be skipping that movie. Besides, I already saw it in my dream last night. I dreamt that I was trying to get away from a little girl zombie. It's good to know that in my dreams I can balance on planter boxes attached to the house and then be able to crawl up a decorative ladder to get away from it, crawl onto a small roof and get a window open and still have the thought that I should grab the ladder and bring it in so that the little zombie can't get in the house with me. So HA! I'm smart! Take that Facebook quiz that told me I would not survive day one of a Zombie attack!
Changing subject.....
What is with all these politicians having affairs? I understand that to be in politics you have to have some kind of ego, just like actors. But come on guys.....have some morals. It's like these guys think they can get away with anything. That they are gods gift to the world and all women want them. People voted me into office, therefore they all want me! Get a grip dude.....You're not that great. Women who sleep with married men are the lowest class of women around. They are only sleeping with you because they think that you either
A: Have money
B: Think you will get them ahead, boost their own career.
You guys actually deserve each other. If I was your wife I would take you for everything I could get my hands on....and then double it in court!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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