He had so much fun last night at our Mexican Theme Night at the big camp out. I never did get a head count, but there were a lot of people there. And waaaay too many enchiladas! The funnest part was after dinner sitting around the fire with friends, and their 8 year old son Steven. What a freaking crack up! I think his dad was getting a little embarrassed when Steven decided to start telling little "secrets" about mom and dad. Such as dad saying to mom...."You're a bad girl...rawr..." and her calling him a "naughty monkey" OMG....we were laughing so hard! I was crying it was so funny! Steven was keeping track of the amount of beers hubby drank, without hubby knowing. According to Steven, hubby had drank 50 beers. He was a little off. When hubby told him that he was drinking water, Steven proceeded to tell him that his breath smelled like beer. We got him back on to telling stories about his mom and dad!
Good times!
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