Monday, June 8, 2009


We have been putting together a fund raiser cookbook at work. I have been entering a lot of recipes because some of the agents are too busy to do it. Man....there are some really yummy sounding recipes! We have a lot of good cooks at work! I seriously have been wasting my time in the kitchen. There is no reason for me to have been cooking the same meals over and over and over. Except for the fact that what I did cook was cheap, quick and easy. I had it down to cooking dinners that mostly took 30 minutes. If it took longer than that, then it was made on the weekend. But since working on this cookbook I am going to try new things. One of them is Ginger Beef. It sounds so good. I need a wok though. I have always wanted one, but never really had the need for it. Now I want one. There are a couple enchilada recipes, and come curry ones that I also want to try. The other recipes that sound good are a couple for Beef Stroganoff. Now I make Beef Stroganoff, but not with wine. These call for wine. I can't wait to try those too! Our cookbook does not come out until I think September, so I think I am going to have to print a couple off first. I don't want to wait that long to try them!

1 comment:

Glynis said...

OK, that officially made me hungry just reading this blog! I want some of those recipes too... so let me know when the cookbook is for sale.

word: unesmips
Ummmm...WTF does that mean?