I have wanted, for a very long time, to see the Northern Lights. I find them to be absolutely beautiful and fascinating. Hubby has told me that he will take me to Fairbanks to see them.
Enjoy this time lapse video from Norway. It's gorgeous!
Amazing Northern Lights Time Lapse
Today my son is having a medical procedure and tests done. Please send your positive thoughts his way.
Thank You so much and I love you all......
Good Morning Barbara and Gals,
Barbara, I will be praying for your son that his procedure goes smoothly, someone told me no matter old your children get you still WORRY about them, because I felt kinda weird writing that my 13 year old had a very high fever. But they said no matter what their age they will always be your babies!!!! I pray everything goes well.
I am also going to take my mother for her 2nd shot in her back, She can't even walk, its getting so HARD for her, my heart breaks for her. I'm taking my cousin to help me with the wheelchair. They will do 1 more shot after this if this does not work, then its surgery. Which scares me due to her COPD but she cannot be this crippled shes only 67 shes a YOUNG WOMAN yet!!!!! She has Lumber Spinal Stenosis. Which runs in families and I already have it, but I'm only 43, wo I guess I have this to look forward to huh???? But maybe not. But I already have the pain in the back and the right leg.
If I don't get a chance to send out Valentines comments, and I doubt if I will, everyone have a Wonderful and LOVING Valentines Day.
I love you all, I will try and stop here more often, its just that I've been so busy with LIFE. Sick kids, now sick hubby, I lucked out today, because John is taking Vincent with him to the Doctors today, woo hoo, and he also has to take him for his blood test, they they Vincent might have Diabetes I'm hoping he don't, but it does run on my husbands side of the family, my husband has it Type 2. Ok I need to shower and get ready to take my mom, I will try and stop back here later
word: hateop ???? hate operations?? LOL
sorry, its suppose to say, they think Vincent has diabetes
word cousnin I have been spending a lot of time with my cousin coinkydink????
Good morning RE.
I don't think you ever stop worrying about your kids. I know my mom still does about hers.
I'm so sorry that everyone is still sick. Hopefully they can give them something to help get over it. And I hope the shots will start working for your mom. It's so hard to see a loved one in pain.
I'm so sick with worry about what could be wrong with my son. He found out late yesterday that he was going to have to have a procedure done today and some testing. I was up all night with worry. He didn't want us to drive up to Seattle. He said he would be OK today with just Celina taking him.
Please think positive thoughts for him.....
I heard from Bryan...
"So no polyps or signs of cancer but they did take a biopsy because I had an infection and inflammation"
Please keep your fingers crossed that the test all come back good. Thank You to all for your private messages. It means a lot to me that you care.
I just read that one of the people killed in the Buffalo plane crash last night was a 9/11 widow. How horribly sad for her family. To have two separate tragic deaths in a family like that. My heart goes out to them....
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