I have running around all day. I'm taking a craft class with my friends Beth and Sandy next Saturday. So Sandy and I went shopping this morning for the class supplies. We had fun. I spent waaaaaay more than what I needed to for the class. I found so many new really pretty papers. I love scrapbook and card papers. So fun. And then we went on a Nora Roberts search. I have been trying for 3 days now to find the second book in the series that I am reading. I even had to go to .... the W store. O.M.G.!!!!!!!!!! That is how desperate I was to find it. I went to 5 stores looking for it. The 5th store was Barnes & Noble. They did not have it on the shelf so I went to Customer Service and the guy there checked the system. He said they did not have it, so he asked if I would like for him to check the other location. Sure. So he did...AND THEY HAD IT!!! Sweet! So they held it for me at store #6!!! I was going to head to a different store, but he found it for me. I was so glad. I could not believe how hard it was to find it. I had book 1 and book 3, but no book 2 to be found anywhere, except the Jantzen Beach Barnes & Noble. Thank You Barnes & Noble Guy!
Thanks to Dreama and Karina for stopping by yesterdays 100th blog. And thank you to all of those who either called me or sent me private messages. You guys are the best. I understand how some of you don't like to leave comments and you know I said that is perfectly OK. I'm just glad that you do read my blog, and you can comment when you want, or just talk to me about in private.
It's all good!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
I'm sorry I missed your 100th blog yesterday. I was tired. It's 1:07 am and Victor my little one is running a little fever 100.8, not to bad, I have him some motrin and medicine for his stuffy nose and cough, hes drowsy but hes not sleeping. I have a TON to do tomorrow also, clean, laundry, and grocery shop. Vincent and I are going early so we can get home early. I was suppose to go to lunch with my MIL on Monday, but, I know I will be at the doctors with Victor, everytime my kids get a cold it goes right to their chest, same with me and my husband.
I will try to stop in tomorrow in between cleaning on my breaks, LOL
Again Congratulations Barbara, I really enjoy your blogs.
Barb I am glad you found your book. One of my girlfriends belongs to a book club and she will tell me which books she thinks I might enjoy. I then tell my Dad and he surfs the Net. He's the king of book surfing!Yay Dad!
ReneeEve you can get Mucinex over the counter to break up the congestion. Rubbing alcohol swabbed over his body will bring down the fever quicker in minutes. Poor thing. It's hard to sleep when you're all congested. I kept Afrin nasal spray on my night stand. It says it works for 12 hours. For me it only worked 6 hours but 6 hours of being able to breathe and sleep works for me!I finally went to the doctor and he said he could give me pills and I could be well in a few days or he could give me 2 shots in my rump and I'd be well in a day. I went for the needles.
Karina sorry I missed you yesterday.
word debrumme
Oh and if he is willing he can use the nettie pot. But you have to keep using it. Thanks to Rossbloggers they kept telling me how to use it.I was so surprised at how many of them used a nettie pot.
Hey Barb!!! Sorry I haven't been around. I missed your 100th, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! That really IS quite an accomplishment. I hope to reach 100 one day when my life gets a little more interesting LOL.
My parents are going to be in Seattle at the end of this month... and they aren't taking me with them :( Dad didn't want me to know because he's afraid I'm gonna have Jeremy come down again ... poor guy. I don't make mistakes again after getting busted hahaha! I really wish I could go - I'm hiding my sadness as best I can, but Im really bummed that they won't take me. Mom said "People who don't have a job don't get to go on trips to Seattle." I hate when she says that!! It would be nice to go somewhere new because I don't feel like I'll ever be able to go places - I guess because I have no job. Oh, well. I'll just have to leave them one day and not take THEM to Seattle! LOL. Mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday (the 19th of this month YAY!) and I said "to go to Seattle".... she said "too bad, ain't happenin'" :(
Word: pyroin
I think I pulled my pyroin!
I love when you find exactly what you're looking for. :)
Don't you just love good customer service? That guy at B&N could have just said, "Nope, we don't have it", but he went that extra step. It seems like nobody does that much anymore.
Your craft class sounds like fun, especially since you are doing it with friends. I am still thinking about the cake decorating class!
I have to run K to a birthday party, so I will chat at ya later! Hi to everyone who drops in here after me!
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