Donna sent this to me this morning. I find it helpful....and hilarious!
Motivational Quote of the Day
Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater.
If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby.
If you give her a house, she'll give you a home.
If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal.
If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart.
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.
So, If you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of sh*t.
So freaking funny!
And now something disturbing....
Last night right before 11pm Bryan called. He told me he was going to send me a link to a live video of a car chase going on in LA last night. So I started watching. I ended up staying up and watching until midnight. Some guy in LA in a $100,000+ Bentley had been leading the CHP all over the LA area at high and low speeds on the freeway. He finally pulled back off the freeway 3 hours later and he stopped his car about where the whole thing had started. I gave up watching because there were at least 14 cop cars that I had counted, all of the cops with their guns drawn, and the people commenting live on the News channel with the video link were saying that if anything went down, you were going to see it live. I decided I had had enough and did not want to see some guy commit suicide by cop. So I stopped watching and went to bed. This morning I did a little search on google and found out that the guy had shot himself in the head and had died a little while later in the hospital. How sad. It makes me wonder what the hell could be so wrong with a guy with a Bentley that he has to kill himself. One of the reports said something about financial problems. Dude...its just money. You had a freaking $100,000 Bentley. Maybe you should have spent your money a little wiser. If you can afford a Bentley, then you should have had the sense to put money away for the bad economic times. I just don't get some people.
It was all just so tragic....
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Hey Barb! I am not sure I could have watched either. Why do the news people think that we want to see it live when a person is about to take their life? Why brag about seeing THAT in hi-def? Sick. I am betting that the guy didn't OWN the Bentley... he was probably so up to his armpits in debt that he just couldn't imagine life without all the expensive toys. Afterall, that is how he must have valued life and himself, so without an expensive car what was he worth? Again, sick!
I went and got a haircut today. OMG it is short. They always make it all slicked down and smooth... so I don't know if I like it or not. I will tell you tomorrow when I wash and dry it myself. You might hear me crying all the way down in Vancouver!
Hey Barb n G!
I can't believe that they showed that stuff live, at least cut it off when you see he's suicidal and stuff.
G - I can't wait to see your new cut, hope it comes out good in the morning! I have been wanting bangs again! I saw a picture of me when I was little and had bangs, and I loved it! I haven't had the guts to go through with it yet though :)
We had a similar car chase here last night but it only lasted a few minutes. The police worked as a team and had spikes put up on the freeway ahead of the car and took out all four tires. The dudes decided to run from the law because they had drugs in the vehicle.
I watch a lot of news channels and I've heard over and over that the suicide rate is up. I'm sure everyone heard the news story about the husband and wife who were both fired from their jobs and decided to take their lives and the lives of their four children. I just don't understand how anyone could take the lives of their own children. So sad...
Thanks mom... Now all your friends know about the random S*** send you....
It's not all death and gore with me people!! I also find awesome stuff like this:
Although, as Celina pointed out, "It's cute and very depressing at the same time"
Bubba...that was a very sad and touching photo. It made me tear up. I will post it here tomorrow on the blog.
G...I'm sure the cut is great!
And a big HI to Adri and Dreama too!
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