There is a new show on ABC that I really like. It's called "What Would You Do?". They set up situations and then film peoples reactions to it. Last night they had a couple different ones. Such as a crying baby (fake) locked alone in a car on a hot day. Then they switched the baby out with a dog. It was really interesting to see how many people looked at the baby, or looked towards the car, but did nothing and just kept walking by. The correct thing to do is to immediately break the window furthest from the baby and call 911. It does not matter if the person comes back to their car right away or not. It is illegal, in I believe all 50 states, to leave a baby unattended in a car. Come on! Who the hell does that? It's bad enough when you see a dog in a hot car, but a baby? That is just crazy. The child should be taken away from them for abuse. As for dogs...I am not a big fan of when people take their dogs everywhere with them. Why on earth does a dog need to go to the grocery store? I can see taking your dog to the Dog Park for a good run, and then swinging by the store on your way home. No...I'm talking about people I know who take their dogs everywhere. It's really not necessary.
So what would you do if you walked by a car and saw a baby or a dog locked alone in it?
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3 months ago
Hi Barb! I love those shows too, but I wonder if we (as a society) will start to wonder if we are on TV instead of responding to real cries for help. I mean, look at all those people who walk past someone dead on the street. Do they really ignore the dead person, or do SOME of them think it is not really happening... some sort of prank... a hoax to steal from the person coming to assist. You know? I know I have had something ridiculously funny happen to me and the first thing out of my mouth was "Am I on Candid Camera?"
Have you seen the show "Howie Do It"? It is so funny! Last week they had "hired" a guy to be the presenter for Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes. He went to the house of a low-income, hard working blue collar type guy and his wheelchair bound wife. The hired guy was there to tell them they had won 10 million dollars. (The low-income guy and the wife were actors.) They had this huge celebration and the wife stood up and walked for the first time in ages. The guy called his boss and quit his job. They were all so happy... and then, they realized the check had the wrong name on it. They were at the wrong house. I'm sorry, but I found way too much humor in that! Don't know why, but I laughed so hard.
If I found a child alone in a car on a hot day, I KNOW I would respond. I would not be able to leave the scene without somehow doing something... not sure I could break a window if I had to, but I could get help or call 911 in a second. No doubt! And I would also help the dead guy... well, I wouldn't just leave him there and walk past.
word: pelsio
I laughed so hard I burst my pelsio.
OK, that was really long. Sorry! But my next word was too funny to leave...
word: bacom
bacon+yum= BACOM
Hey G!
I agree. It's like people who whine because they don't have any friends. Well don't have any friends because all you do is bitch and whine! After a while, you just don't care anymore. So yeh, I think we do get a little jaded about certain things when we see them happen in a public place. I have been known to speak up now though. Like the time when that guy threw the little boy outside of the pizza place, into the cold night, with no coat, on a busy street, and they just sat there and ate their pizza when it was brought to the table. I was so mad and said something to the mom when she was outside being all pissy with the kid when we left. I just wish I had said something when it first happened.
word: boadit
sentence: I boadit at the store yesterday!
Geeze...I had a lot of typos in this blog. I am at work and had to hurry up and post it without proofing it. Blah...I think I have it fixed.
Oh...forgot...G, I have seen Howie Do It. I thought it had some funny moments, but some of it I thought was just down right cruel! Like the poor girl in the bunny suit singing at the funeral. She was trying so hard not to burst into tears. Poor thing. But yeh, some of it was pretty funny!
Warning: long post
I would call 911 and give them my location and give them the license plate number just incase it is a stolen vehicle. One never knows! Next I would bust out the car window that is furtherest from the baby using the crow bar I keep in my car. I would also yell fire because that gets people's attention. People tend to ignore screams for help otherwise. If I saw an animal locked in a hot car I have animal control on speed dial and I would also call the police.I would snap pictures with my cell phone camera quickly for my protection legally. I would not let the animal die. Again I would knock out the car window.
I have seen women step in and help women being beaten up by men in night club parking lots. I have seen men walk away every time. I think something happened over the years and men's balls don't always drop 100% of the time or perhaps being raised in the military I'm just used to a different type of man who is all macho and never would turn his back on any situation.
One time in New Orleans as we left the city an 18 wheeler hit a pedestrian in front of us. He was dead on impact. His entire leg was severed. I screamed at David to stop. He said we can't help him. He is dead. I understood that but the driver of the 18 wheeler had no one and he was surely going to go into shock. David's idiotology is to not get involved. I am a firm believer that you should help people out many times depending on the circumstances. I help people constantly when I see that they've locked themselves out of their car or if they've broken down on the side of the road then I call someone for them from the safety of my vehicle. Chances are they are truly in need of help but if they are scamming then the police are on their way because I do call in all license plate numbers to the police dispatcher. Part of both of my jobs requires that I talk to police dispatchers on a regular basis anyhow.
word: tonainks
I walked in pointy high heeled shoes yesterday for hours and it made my big tonainks.
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