Have you seen Gwyneth Paltrow's website GOOP? I tried to take a look at it this morning, but it would not load. I will try again later, or maybe wait until tonight. It may be having a ton of traffic because Yahoo News was talking about it this morning. Something about where does she get off handing out advice on weight loss and stuff like that. Who cares! What is so wrong with someone having their own website/blog? Like me. What the hell is so wrong with me having one? (just venting. rant over)
I have been really enjoying the Amazing Race this season. First off, they ended last season in Portland, which totally cracked me up because they went to places like VooDoo Donut! I still need to go there. They have donuts that have toppings like Captain Crunch and Maple Bars with Bacon. I have no idea what kind I would try. Some of them sound downright scary! Hence the name VooDoo Donut! And now this season they started out going to Switzerland. I love it! All the scenery reminds me of our trip. The houses, the Alps....its so much fun to see it all again! This past Sunday's show they went from Switzerland to Munich and again showed familiar sites. And then they had the final pit stop at Helbrun Castle in Saltzburg! As soon as they showed the castle I was all excited because I had been there! The Amazing Race was in places that I was just at! So much fun. I wish that they had taken advantage of the trick fountains there and sprayed the teams as they arrived. That would have been hilarious! I think it may have been too cold though. It was pretty cold when we where there in September. I also wish that my Deiter (our castle guide who i don't remember his real name!) had been the one to welcome them to Helbrun with Phil. I'm loving the mom and son team. He is deaf and they have such a great relationship. I hope they win.
Survivor has been kind of boring so far. I don't even have a favorite yet. None of them have really done anything to win me over. There are a couple who I just can't stand. Coach for one. He is so friggen arrogant. What an ass. And the older lady bugs me. But they have not shown her as much as the first 2 shows. I felt bad for the the guy who was voted out last night. Jerry? I think that was his name. Anyway, it was a bummer that he was so sick. I wonder if we will ever find out what was going on with his stomach?
I was not surprised with the people who got through to the Top 12 on Idol last night. I liked all of them. In fact, I like all 6 who are in the Top 12 so far. Allison is so good. And so is Danny. Danny reminds me so much of Robert Downey Jr. And I love me some Robert Downey Jr. I don't know why I like him so much. I have always been drawn to him. I was so excited when he joined Ally McBeal. I'm glad that he finally has his shit together so that he can work and be all fantastic! I can't wait for The Soloist to come out. Mom and I have seen the preview a couple times. Yesterday I told her I would not be surprised if both Robert Downey Jr and Jamie Fox were nominated for awards for this movie. I looks that good.
Guess that's it. A little of this, that and the other thing.....
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
oh damn! I posted...it didn't go thru... and now I have to re-post. But I am exhausted. I will try again tomorrow, but wanted you to know I am here and I love you... and your blog!
Nighty Night!
oh sure...that one went straight thru! WHATEVER!
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