I have been running since this morning. I had a massage at 10am.....ahhhhhhh....and then I grabbed some lunch and went shopping. I needed to get hubby a b-day pressie, and get stuff for camping. We only have to make everyone breakfast on Sunday. So I bought bacon, eggs, toast and potatoes. I'll boil the potatoes Saturday night so that they will be ready in the morning for frying up with green pepper and onion. Yummy! I didn't buy a lot of snack stuff yet. Was not sure what Bryan, Celina and Katie wanted. There is a Fred Meyer where we are going, so we can pick up pop and stuff there. I have hubby's b-day cake made and cooling. Then I can frost it. He wanted cherry chip...bleck....I was going to put cream cheese frosting on it, but I saw a butter cream one, so I got that instead. For my b-day I'm making Donna's chocolate cake with fudge frosting from scratch! LOL! I am making cookies too. I had a bunch of choco and peanut butter chips left over from Christmas. I'm making....don't laugh....choco chip, choco chip w/walnuts, the same dough but with peanut butter chips, and then a mix of peanut butter/choco chips! LOL! Might as well use them up! Looks like I will be busy making cookies most of the rest of the day! When the cake was in the oven I made his b-day card. I ordered some really cool African themed paper the other day and I was hoping it would have arrived by today, but it didn't. So I made a card with stripes and dots. I like it. I forgot to take a picture. I don't want to waste the envelope, so since it will be coming back here, I will take a picture later!
I also want to wish Adri and very very Happy Birthday today!
I'm going to try and be better about wishing my friends a Happy B-day here. I have been forgetting.
I will pre-blog for this weekend and then let you know Monday if anything spectacular happened! You never know what could happen. I have been known to see a beaver or two while camping!!!!!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
lol Thank you Barb :D
word: dited
"I done dited it already!"
HAHAHA!!! Love your sentence! Hope you are having a great b-day!
Have a great time camping!!
Talk to you when you get back...
Happy Birthday Adri!!
My freak out for today was that I was going to the Super WalMart however I switched my "to do" list around. Thank God. Well I came home and turned on the news and some maniac threw toxic chemicals into the store which burned the lungs of 30 people. It's a crazy world.
Happy Birthday Adriana!!! I got my blogs mixed up. It's now TGIF!!!!
I wonder if Barb will noticed that I ran around her blog while she was gone camping!!!
Last night we watched the movie Changling. That movie was deep. David did not like watching it. He was creeped out. I told him look how many photos are up at the stores and on th back of milk cartons so you can't turn your head away and stick your head into the sand just because it is a horrid thing to think about.
My Pekingese Cinnamon got into a fight over dog food with my parent's poodle. Now Cinnamon has a red eye. I am rinsing it with solution and monitor it.
Never a dull day>
This is my 10th post. It's 12:40 AM and I should be OMG in bed but I had too much energy water and I'm flying. Seriously I better call it a night but I am going back over to Sun Harvest and buy
a bunch of this energy water. It contains liquid vitamins, loaded with B-12 and guarana and caffeine from green tea.
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