Good Morning after the Oscars! Did you watch? How could you not?! I was not very good with my picks again this year. Good thing I made the 2 changes that I did. Both of those were correct after the change. So here are the winners with a ** next to the ones that I picked correctly. I had 15 of 24.
Actor: Sean Penn **
Supp Actor: Heath Ledger **
Actress: Kate Winslet **
Supp Actress: Penelope Cruz
Animated Feature: Wall-E **
Art Direction: Benjamin Button **
Cinematography: Slumdog Millionaire
Costume Design: The Duchess **
Director: Danny Boyle for Slumdog
Documentary: Man on Wire
Documentary Short: Smile Pinki
Film Editing: Slumdog
Foreign Film: Departures
Makeup: Benjamin Button **
Original Score: Slumdog **
Original Song: Jai Ho from Slumdog
Best Picture: Slumdog **
Animated Short: La Maison en Petits Cubes
Live Action Short: Spielzeugland (Toyland) **
Sound Editing: The Dark Knight **
Sound Mixing: Slumdog**
Visual Effects: Benjamin Button **
Adapted Screenplay: Slumdog **
Original Screenplay: Milk **
So that is how I did with my picks. When I changed my pick for Best Movie I should have changed my director pick. I still had the director for Benjamin Button in there. When I changed Best Picture to Slumdog, I forgot to change my director to reflect that. Oh well. My other change was Sean Penn instead of Mickey Rourke. That was a good move too. I don't think I have ever picked the right Documentary or Documentary Short. I miss that every year. This year I missed Supp Actress. Last year it was Best Actress. Seriously though, any of the five women in the Supp category could have won. They were all fantastic. And of course I cried when Heath won. How could you not. The day I saw The Dark Knight I walked out of the theater and said " Heath is going to win an Oscar." It was just that good. He played the Joker so evil and twisted in a psychotic way and not as a "joke". It was really amazing. As for Sean, I really thought Mickey was going to win after I saw The Wrestler, but then I saw Milk. Sean was so good. Like my mom said, you didn't even see "Sean" any more. He deserved the win. I was sad for Mikey because he was so very good also, but I think Sean was better. My last comment is on Supp Actress. I saw all of the nominated performances, and I loved every one of them. They were all wonderful. I wanted Viola Davis to win for Doubt because she made such an impact with what little screen time she had. I loved Penelope in Vicky Christina Barcelona (one of my fav movies of the year) but I didn't think enough people had seen the movie for her to win. So I was happy that she won. Actually I have one more comment. Best Actress. The Reader is my favorite movie of the year. I am so glad that Kate won. I have always loved Kate Winslet. I think I have seen every one of her movies. The first time I saw her was in Beautiful Creatures. I love her whether she is doing drama or comedy. I was very happy with her win.
Lastly.....I must say who wore my favorite dress! WOW! There were some really really beautiful dresses....right now without having seen all of the mags and pics online....I am going to say right now my favorite dress was Anne Hathaways. It was really pretty.
Worst.....Miley Cirus....That was one ugly dress. Again...I need to see more pictures, but right now it is that one.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Good Morning Barb! I loved the Oscars!!!! I loved the way they presented the awards and found myself crying everytime the 5 former winners would give praise to the performances. Did you see when Shirley McClain was praising Ann Hathaway? I thought the young girl was going to go into the ugly cry. And I was about to join her. Crap, like Shirley was even talking to ME!
The stage and theatre itself was also a star last night. I was mesmerized by the crystal curtain. Now I want one of those in my house. It was just awesome.
My favorite dress was Kate Winslet. It was stunning! I agree that Miley Cyrus's dress wasn't one of my faves, but I have to say my daughter loved it. Her peers will think it is beautiful and that is all that matters. I thought it looked mermaid-ish.
You did an awesome job at picking the winners! Do you pick based on what you think should win, what you think will win, or what you believe the academy will vote for? I knew Wall-E would win, though I preferred KungFu Panda as an entertaining movie.
This year I hope to see more of the PG-13 through R rated films. HA!
word: pligies
sentence: ...and all the little pligies went wee wee wee home!
I looked at Miley's dress again. It was a pretty-ish dress, just seemed so wrong on her. It was a little over the top. Same as Sarah Jessica Parker's. She looked like a trashy Cinderella! Maybe thats a little harsh...
Kate was beautiful last night.
I loved the past winners coming out to toast the nominees. It made me all teary eyed. I hope they continue to do that.
Can I just say....Angelina Jolie is just too freaeking gorgeous. And to have Brad Pitt jealous. I loved her emeralds. I'm sure they were real. I can not even imagine getting to wear them. let alone even trying them on!
As for my picks....It's kind of a combination of everything you said. I don't go with my favorites much. My Supp Actress pick was a fav, and I missed. My Best Picture was picked from industry buzz. Others are picked from previous wins at the Golden Globes, SAG, and other awards given out before the Oscars. The rest I do research. Read what the films are about that sort of stuff. I never pick the right Documentary. I miss Foreign Film a lot too. I try to see all of the main movies so that I can really give an informed opinion. I missed some, but did not think they were going to have a win anyway....Frost/Nixon, Rachel Getting Married and Frozen River. I wanted to see all of those, but just never got to them. Frozen River was out over the Summer, but never did see it.
Yall just reminded me that I need to update my mom's Netflix for when they're in Seattle LOL.
word: backs
I'll be backs to write more when I'm done with the Netflix! :D
I liked Miley's dress but not on her. It was too big for her. Didn't care for Kate's dress, honestly. It was kind of odd. Loved Anne Hathaway's. Jennifer Aniston looked nice. Hated the Boobie Shelf Dress of SJP. Angelina looked amazing as always even if her dress was rather plain and boring. The emeralds made up for it. Ew, and Reese Witherspoon's dress was ugly. Hated all the mermaid dresses. I don't think they look good on anyone.
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