Yes....I do believe that laundry is the bane of my existence. I went online to find the meaning of this phrase, and I have decided that it fits perfectly for how I feel towards this dreaded household chore.
"The Bane of My Existence"
To say that something or someone is "the bane of my existence" means that the person or thing is a constant irritant or source of misery. As a clich , "bane of my existence" has lost its edge to a large degree over the years, and today is most often applied to something that may profoundly annoy us but is certainly bearable... "Bane of my existence" is now almost always used in a semi-jocular, "what are you gonna do?" sense. But "bane" was once a very serious word. The Old English "bana" meant literally "slayer" in the sense we now use "killer" or "murderer." Early on, the English "bane" was also used in the more general sense of "cause of death," and by the 14th century "bane" was used in the specialized sense of "poison," a sense which lives on in the names of various poisonous plants such as "henbane" and "wolfbane."From this very literal "something that kills you" usage, "bane" by the 16th century had broadened into its modern meaning of "something that makes life unpleasant, a curse."
Yes....I do believe doing laundry is a curse. I have been cursed I tell you! Cursed! Damn you dirty clothes! Damn you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh you just reminded me that I need to get my laundry done. I don't mind laundry except washing sheets. I have to peel off all of the layers on my huge king size bed. Wash the sheets and all of the pillow cases and then put it all back on and relayer. It always seems to take forever and I have to stack pillows on night stands and stack the comforter and blanket on the bed otherwise my Pekingese will jump all over it and shed.
Have a great day!
LMAO! That's hilarious Barb :) Here's what I do... because, like you, I have no problem putting them in the washer but then after that it's just tedious! So, I put them in the dryer when I remember LOL not like my mom who is on top of exactly how long the washer takes and the dryer...FREAK!... but when they come out of the dryer I dump them on my BED and if I don't fold them right then... it'll kick me in the ass at night when I'm sleepy and ready for bed, because there will sit AT LEAST one load of clothes :D Now - I still don't have a closet, strike that, I HAVE a closet, I just don't have any bars or shelves or drawers in it and my dresser can only fit so many things (and I hate putting things away in my dresser anyways) so usually they all go in one pile on my chair :D The only things that go in my dresser are the underwear and socks :D So I totally feel ya on the whole laundry thing!
Adri....are you sure your not my daughter????
Dreama....it takes me all day to wash bedding. My comforter is more like a huge thick blanket. So It takes a couple hours in the dryer to get it dried. It's so big I'm afraid of over heating the dryer, so I always set it on low. I just know that it's going to take all day to do it. Bleck....
Laundry is supposed to be put away? I thought laundry baskets were storage units! Hmmmmm....
Barb, I was so damn spoiled when we had an au pair. She not only did my kids laundry, but she kept it put away, organized and even removed the things they out grew. That was YEARS ago though. I still find baby socks in the twins dresser because I just never get around to it. I figure if I wait long enough they will be old enough to get rid of it themselves.
You know it is bad when your child sees the iron out for the first time EVER (girl scout patches) and asks me "what's that thing do?" At least by waiting this long I don't have to worry about them pulling at the chord or burning themselves!
I have been known to re-wash a load several times just so it doesn't get that funky smell. It is easier to push buttons than to put the clean into the dryer... because that would mean taking the dry out of the dryer and having to find a basket for THAT.
I hate laundry... almost as much as I hate looking for the corn egg!
LOL Glynis - I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten about a load that was in the washer and has to be re-washed :D
Barb - too funny because I definitely don't have my mom OR grandmother's laundry attitude or persistence :D I loathe laundry! I always tell baybay to help me fold (over the phone hahaha) and honestly he is a TOTAL man...he doesn't fold his clothes and I don't think he puts them away. Although, he IS better at washing his clothes than I am...I think he's gotten better - he said that he went through his dresser and got rid of all of the clothes that didn't fit him and ACTUALLY put his clothes away that he wears LOL Maybe we can compromise: if he washes n dries, I'll fold :)
I finally got a chance to come back on line and I see that no one has griped about washing mens stinky socks or the underwear with the brown stripe up the rear. Am I crossing the line with TMI on the laundry topic?! :0)
Barbara thanks for my first egg. I spent 15 minutes trying to find another egg. I am still at Facebook
kindergarden level. :(
Hi Ardiana & Glynis!
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