Do you have kitties? I have 3 kitties. Camile, Kodiak and Alyeska. Also known as...Cammy, Kodi and Aly. Also known as Old Lady, You Freak and The Princess. Ever since we returned from our trip they have been connected to my hip. Right now they are sitting on the table behind me. Earlier Aly was in my lap. She has never really been a lap cat. She would only jump in your lap on her terms. Now all I have to do is call her and she comes and jumps up. I love it. But I feel bad. Was it that traumatic when we were gone that now they don't want to be far from me??? It's not like we left them alone. Katie was here. According to Katie, they did the same thing to her. Followed her all over the house, and sat in her lap a lot. I have had cats almost my entire life. And don't recall cats ever being like this. But them again, I have never had indoor cats. They have always been outdoor kitties until these 2. Cammy still goes outside, but only if the weather is decent. Other than that, she won't go out.
My mom likes to talk about my first kitties and why she had to get me one. Apparently when I was around 3 or so, I used to crawl around on the floor meowing. Mom said I did this for hours, for a really long time. She convinced my dad that they needed to get me a cat so that I would stop. So dad brought home 2 Siamese kitties. I don't remember these cats, but I remember seeing a picture of them once and I thought they were statues. They were sitting on top of the TV and did not look real. Very beautiful. Wish I did remember them. Then we had several cats. And when I was a kid, you never got cats fixed, so we were always having kittens. One spring we had 3 cats all have kitties at the same time. We were able to find homes for most of them, and we kept a couple. Then I had a friend and she had kittens and I fell in love with one and begged....PLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEEEE....begged begged begged to bring it home. They let me. I named him Scamper. He joined Licker and Teddy who we still had. Teddy was around for years but then disappeared one day, like cats do. I grew up, moved out, married, and mom still had Licker and Scamper. I think those kitties ended up being around 20. One day my niece brought a kitten over to my moms and asked her if she could keep the kitty for her because she could not have it where she lived. Of course that kitty had kittens, and that is where we got Baby, Cammy, Leo & Cleo. They were born on the first day of Spring 1990. We lost Baby in June of 2004, Leo in May 2005, and Cleo in November 2005. And Cammy is still here. She was the smallest of the siblings, but...well...the bitchiest. Makes me wonder if that is why she has hung on for so long. She is 18.7 years old. She is olllllllllld. And we love her, but we think she is deaf, and she moves really slow. But as long as she eats, and sleeps, and poops and pees, and purrs, she will stay with us. With Hubby, me, You Freak and The Princess.
I love your kitties!!! I am sure that they really missed you two while you were gone! Do they love on Robert as much as they love on you?
Your story about you crawling around as a cat is too cute!!! I bet you were so thrilled when you finally got one! ;)
Love ya,
SARAH!!!!! I love that you have stopped by. Thank you so much. I'm diggin the new call letters too!
Kodi has taken to trying to get Robert to play with him. He stalks him and pounces. It's hilarious. I think if Robert actually ran down the hall Kodi would chase him just like he chases Aly. It's really funny. Robert thought that Kodi was mad at him and attacking. But I told him he just wants to play. I know Kodi loves him because he will curl up on the bed and sleep with him.
I adore these kitties!
It's soooooo quiet here today with it being Veterans Day. They had the parade on Saturday, so I don't think there will be anything going on down here at the Fort today. I have been very lucky to have had only 2 family members fight in Wars. My grandfather (Navy)in WWII and my great uncle (pilot)also in WWII. But I have had several other family members in the service. Robert and his dad both were Air National Guard. My brother Mike was a Marine, but he retired before the first Gulf War. And my BIL Richard was a career Airforce man, but retired recently. Have any of your family members been in the military?
Hey Barb and Sarah!! I have only had two cats in my life... Killie Monster... but he lost his life to a coyote and it just about killed me. I won't have another because of the area where we live. I can't protect them enough. He was an awesome kitty and used to love playing with our dog, Chessie. As a matter of fact, Chessie adopted KM when he was a kitten and used to lick him clean and snuggle for afternoon naps. We would see them together and call it "Love Fest." KM would also run to the door when we came home and greeted us with a rub of his fur on our legs.
My other kitty was Opus. I got him when I was in college and he lived with me and my mom. When I left home, he stayed behind and kept her company... as well as destroyed a lot of her furniture. Oh well. He was also the biggest cat I have ever seen. Ironic considering he was supposedly the runt of the litter and would never get very big. Hmmmm...
My mom's dad was in the British Army and served in India. My Father's dad served in WWI and my dad served, but I am not sure where. He was in the Navy and then spent years in the Merchant Marine (which is not military, but often went into and near war zones.) He was never home when I was growing up, so I feel for these kids watching their dad go off to Iraq for a 2nd, 3rd or 4th call of duty. It is just wrong! Berry was in the Air Force, but never had to go overseas. That is how he ended up in Texas though, and that can seem like a whole other country sometimes.
The kids are home from school today. I am not so sure that the Veterans would want that. OK, maybe that is just ME!!
I agree....why are the schools closed today???? And come to think of it...Why do I have to be at work????
The photos of the kitties are beautiful. I had cats when I was a small child. My cat would let me dress her up in doll clothes.
I'm sure everyone knows I work with animal rescue and have seen my bulletins. The Holidays are coming up I must plug adopting a pet so here goes. A cute doggy or kitty for a child would be the perfect gift to find under the Christmas tree. A doggy would keep a child entertained indoors and outdoors instead of another PS game. It will teach them responsibility, caring, and so much that a game just can't. My life is so enriched by having the pets in my life and the thrill I get when one is adopted just makes my day.
Have a great Veterans day everyone. Hello Sarah. Nice to meet you. Hi Barbara & Glynis. I'm going to go shower and we are going out for dinner and then watch a movie called Mirrors and another called Knight Rider.
Plug away Dreama!
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